Does democracy exist or is it dead?

in voilk •  2 months ago

    I will remind myself of a saying as well as lines from the movie, which can easily be applied to our political leaders.
    The saying: "Besides friends like this, you don't need enemies" as well as the often quoted: "I'm sorry that you are my children and not the children of my greatest enemy".
    Well, we have exactly such political leaders in our country.
    It's a pity that they are our leaders and not the leaders of one of our enemies... 😀
    We would be better off without them.

    Many political topics can be discussed, but I offer you to talk about one of the most neutral ones, about democracy.
    Interesting topic

    Most neutral or I can freely write, neutralized.

    Reading various research portals, a country's democracy is rated for several criteria:

    • Electoral process and pluralism,
    • the functioning of the government,
    • political participation,
    • political culture and
    • civil liberties.

    Out of a total of 167 countries in which the survey was conducted, Serbia was in 64th place (this is the data for 2023, and I believe that we have now fallen a few places, to say 67th or 68th place, from last year's parliamentary and local elections...).

    My country is not fully authoritative (for now yet), but with a score of 3.75/10 for political culture, it is slowly approaching that full status.

    The ruling political party is doing everything to bring an increasing number of citizens into its ranks, stifling their civil liberties (blackmailing employees in state institutions), bribing opposition leaders by offering some stronger positions (rewarding those who are ready to be bribed, for example, ministerial place in the new government...) etc...

    At the same time, the political culture of the population is at a very low level, which is worrying.
    The population does not have enough knowledge, will, or freedom (since almost all media are under the control of the ruling parties, media with national frequencies completely).

    Since the time after World War II and communism, the population has been accustomed to having a supreme leader, whom they follow like sheep following a shepherd, without turning on their brains and thinking, but what is the people thinking (and with what) who can watch the program on all TV channels of only one political party, which has been brainwashing the same people for years.

    So democracy in the country where I live is dead.

    Well, I wouldn't even have anything to say about it.

    Maybe someone from Hive, who lives in Norway, for example, which is in the first place in the world in the application of democracy, might have a nice word and a great example of how democracy is achieved and how it is implemented.

    Here in our country, democracy, that is, the right to express one's will, is often referred to by the ruling structures as "Terror of the minority against the majority", thus depicting the rebellion of citizens who express their dissatisfaction and demand their rights, as terror against other citizens who do not support this type of rebellion. .

    I say, democracy is dead here.

    And judging by the reports mentioned above, in which there are 167 countries

    • only 24 with full democracy
    • 50 with flawed democracy
    • 34 are a hybrid model
    • And even 59 is authoritarian,
      to conclude that not everything is great in the whole world...

    I hope that my Hive friends will have brighter examples of respect for democracy in the countries they come from 🙂

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