"You're here"

in voilk •  4 months ago

    "They don't see the things we do in the dark"

    In some countries,kissing isn't really allowed in pubic or around people. It's not forbidden, they don't just feel comfortable with people doing anything other than talking around them. They barely even embrace each other in public. I wouldn't really classify kissing as very intimate. It's intimate,yes. My sketch is dark. Two people kissing in the dark cause they aren't allowed to kiss in the open. To emphasize more on this,I made the art piece as blur as my two pencils could let me, giving it a really making it look really really dark and untraceable

    What was my inspiration for this piece? I had Lana Del Rey's songs playing in the background of my room with a pencil in my hand. Lana's music can be incredibly inspiring, especially if you let your soul flow with the rhythm.

    Why two lips though? I had asked myself numerous times why I drew what I did,why I made it that way, shaded it that way as if invisible. Multiple times I questioned myself and hesitated posting this on here cause most people wouldn't get it, wouldn't understand. Truly,one cannot understand the exact feeling of another.People do stupid things and justify themselves,gaslight themselves and play along like they weren't just about to reject a contract,run a car into a tree or jump off a cliff. I'm people.A very human yet saddening thing. The world keeps moving though. It keeps moving.

    If you can barely see the diagram, that's the main point.🫶

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