The looming threat on our Climate [weather effect]

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Last few years, were very tough for our farmers. They are going through a challenging situation, where they were facing the wrath of the weather. Our farming been dependent on the seasonal rainfal, however, since two years, our regions received an eneven rainfall. This causes a severe loss to the crops, even at many places the farmers unable to start their farming due to absence of rain. This is one of the biggest climate change effect that I experienced recently. No doubts the world leaders too are aware of the worst consequences of the climate change. They were creating awareness at their level, but it is the duty of all of us to change our evolving lifestyle to apply breaks on the destructive climate change.

    (my own edited image)

    Adversing Climate Change

    When we are talking about climate change, we are talking about changes in long term averages of daily weather. Like in our cases, the farming begins with the onset of rainy season usually begun during the month of June - July and ends with the crops harvesting by Dec - Jan. However, last year, the rains started to pour in September - October, which completelly shaken the entire farming system. Expecting the rain, the farmers sowed the seeds, but, they all eventually spoiled when the rain arrives. This change of weather patterns not only disturb the the farming cycle, it's effect will eventually impact the economy of the country. Inadequate rainfall, leads to low farming, which further leads to food shortage in the country.

    The weather out here is running ahead of time.

    The uneveness is not only with the rainy days, we have seen similar pattern style in almost every season during the year. This year, we experienced one of the cruel winter. The bone chilling weather drowned the temperature to below 5°c which is far lessor than normal winter in my region where usually the temperature remain around 10°c at winter peak. Such temperature does take a toll on our health.
    Such uneven pattern are all the cause of the climatic change on a larger scale. The natural ecosystem has been disturbed due to human interference. Melting glaciers, unexpected rainfall, heavy snowfall are all the result of the climate changes. At this moment of time, we have a cool morning and evening, while it is too warm during the day. Sweating at this time of the year is unexpected, still it take a little time once u get out to find your clothing is wet. Such temperature is expected to be around in the month of March. It is like we are running ahead of time. Changes in weather are basically challenges to our immune system. Our body unable to cope up with the changes.

    Preventing the Climatic change.

    I belive it is the duty of the mankind to mend their way for a better tomorrow. The fluctuating weather around us are the result of the human interference, and it becomes our responsibility to take proper step to control the environmental change. From the way we travel, to the electricity we use and the food we eat, we can make a huge difference to our ecosystem.

    • Instead of using the fuel powered vehicle, we can make use of battery efficient vehicle. We can also undertook physical mode of travelling than depending upon vehicle.

    • We can make sure to use less energy at home by lowering our heating and cooling, switching to LED light bulbs and energy efficient electric appliances.

    • Making way from use of chemical products, throwing unwanted garbage in open can also bring in drastic change in our ecology.

    Every small steps matters and simple shift in our lifestyle could bring up a huge change to our environment. Looking at the extreme adverse effect, we must adhere to bringing in changes to make a better life.


    Namaste @steemflow

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