in voilk •  6 months ago


    The boy's mouth dropped open.

    He hurried home and told his father the whole incident.

    In response, the father took out another stone from the drawer and gave it to his son. Now tomorrow morning go to sell this stone in the market.


    This time the boy was so worried that he could not sleep all night waiting for morning. At last he reached the market at dawn and stood at one place

    It wasn't long before a young girl walked towards him and looked at the stone to find out its value.

    The boy raised two fingers as usual ✌🏽.

    Seeing this, the girl went back to where she had come from. After a while the girl came with her husband and said.

    Look, I have found the stone you were looking for so long. And its price is only two lakh rupees.

    The boy heard the name of two lakhs and was stunned.

    As soon as he said something, the girl's husband took out two lakh rupees and placed it on the boy's hand. And happily both husband and wife left.

    Now the boy would sometimes see Dolakh and sometimes see them go away. Finally, he decided that today he will know the story from Abu Jan.

    He quickly came home and said to his father, I tried 3 times and sold the same stone for 3 different prices.

    What is behind it?

    The father looked at his child with compassion and said. Son, these three stones were the same but their valuers were different. The first place was the bazaar where fake goods are sold.


    The second place was the museum where people come to buy unique things but they are all amateurs who keep such things in their homes without caring about the real value. And the third place was the market where only those who take these kinds of stones come.

    You saw that the stone which is being sold for two lakhs, people put its price at two hundred and two thousand because that place was not worthy of that stone.

    The same is the case with us humans.

    We should never live in a place where we don't matter. Where we do not even have the status of two crores. Where there is neither respect nor respectable people.

    If we stay with these people, our value in society will continue to decrease.


    But if we stay where we belong, the world will understand our importance.

    If you want more information about related what is self importance than watch thisVideo

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