Continúa esta historia - 15 de octubre de 2024/La Tormenta Llegò[Esp/Eng]

in voilk •  4 days ago


    Se mecía lentamente de un lado a otro mientras su caballo avanzaba a trompicones ladera abajo, ambos eran víctimas del cansancio, de la sed, del hambre.
    Castaño no soportó más y cayó de bruces arrojándolo al suelo…

    Martìn, quien desde niño vio nacer a Castaño, al ver su emociòn su padre le dijo que era de èl, por supuesto con toda la responsabilidad de atenderlo, cuidarlo, alimentarlo.

    Martin y Castaño pasaban horas juntos hasta que el tuvo que ir a la universidad, se sentìa la tristeza de ambos al tener que separarse , ante esto Martìn hablaba y decìa que cada termino de semestre estarìa con el para pasear y andar juntos.
    Pasaron meses y Castaño sentìa la ausencia de Martìn, siempre se le notaba triste a pesar que el padre de Martin estuvo muy al tanto del tesoro de su hijo, quien entendìa esa amistad , de como jugaban y se acompañaban.

    Pronosticaron tormentas fuertes, se anunciaba dìa tras dìa, el padre de Martìn comenzò a hacer refugios para los animales, para protegerlos durante la tormenta tan anunciada...pasaron unos dìas y sin esperarlo llegò Martìn a dar la ayuda que sabìa que su padre necesitaba.

    Castaño no podìa creer la llegada de su amigo, saliò de donde estaba al escuchar su voz, al verlo Martìn subiò a èl sin esperar nada. Cabalgaron como si nunca lo habìan hecho jamàs, comenzò a cambiar el tiempo, la brisa iniciò el cambio, cada minuto era màs fuerte, el cielo negro comenzò a descargar las nubes como si nunca hubiese llovido en esos campos .
    Castaño, no parò de correr cada momento con màs fuerza , luchaba contra el viento para llevar a Martìn a un lugar seguro, sin importar si el lo lograba.

    Ya todos resguardados ante tal tormenta, Martìn y Castaño aùn no llegaban, la preocupaciòn creciò. Castaño daba todo por llegar a un sitio seguro. El cansancio se sentìa, Martìn le daba valor, a pesar de la lluvia, se sentìa la sed...

    Cuando de pronto ante tanta tormenta Castaño logrò llegar al refugio de los animales como pudo se arrastrò hasta el...cayendo ante todos los que allì estaban. Lograron llegar. Allì estaba su padre, al ver que llegaban los socorriò , atendiendolos, no solo a Castaño sino tambièn a Martìn.

    Castaño ante tanto cansancio, deslizado en la tierra, creìan que ya no se pararìa de allì. Allì, tomò agua, fue alimentado. Al dìa siguiente, estaba de pie como si nada hubiese pasado. Al lado de el Martìn lo acariciaba y daba las gracias por el esfuerzo que hizo para salvarlo.

    La tormenta ya habìa pasado y el Sol apuntaba hacia un nuevo dìa maravilloso donde solo algunas cosas materiales se perdieron, todos los animales y personas de la finca estaban bien y alegres porque Martìn estaba con ellos.

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    He rocked slowly from side to side while his horse stumbled down the slope, both were victims of fatigue, thirst and hunger.
    Castaño could not stand it any longer and fell on his face, throwing him to the ground...

    Martin, who had seen Castaño's birth as a child, upon seeing his emotion, his father told him that he was his, of course with all the responsibility of taking care of him, caring for him and feeding him.

    Martin and Castaño spent hours together until he had to go to the university, they felt the sadness of both to have to separate, before this Martin spoke and said that every end of the semester he would be with him to walk and walk together.

    Months passed and Castaño felt the absence of Martin, he was always sad even though Martin's father was very aware of his son's treasure, who understood that friendship, how they played and accompanied each other.
    Martin's father began to make shelters for the animals, to protect them during the predicted storm... a few days passed and without expecting it Martin arrived to give the help he knew his father needed.

    Chestnut could not believe the arrival of his friend, he came out of where he was when he heard his voice, when he saw him Martìn went up to him without waiting for anything. They rode as if they had never done it before, the weather began to change, the breeze began to change, every minute was stronger, the black sky began to unload the clouds as if it had never rained in those fields.

    Chestnut, did not stop running every moment with more strength, he fought against the wind to take Martin to a safe place, no matter if he succeeded.

    Now that everyone was sheltered from the storm, Martin and Castaño had not yet arrived, their concern grew. Castaño was giving everything to get to safety. The tiredness was felt, Martin gave him courage, in spite of the rain, he felt thirsty...

    When suddenly, in the face of so much storm, Castaño managed to reach the animal shelter, he crawled to it... falling down in front of all those who were there. They made it. His father was there, when he saw that they were arriving he helped them, taking care of them, not only Castaño but also Martin.

    Castaño, so tired, slid on the ground, they thought he would never get up from there. There, he drank water and was fed. The next day, he was standing as if nothing had happened. Next to him Martin caressed him and thanked him for the effort he had made to save him.

    The storm was over and the sun was shining on a new wonderful day where only a few material things were lost, all the animals and people of the farm were well and happy because Martin was with them.

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