Positive Vibes - Look At These Flowers!

in voilk •  3 months ago

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    Late night talks

    Our weekend started with some good old reflecting on life. We were in the exact same flow to reflect on things, see where we came from, where we're heading and what we want. We both came to a few conclusions and it was just one of these nights where you end up in bed around 2.30 AM but feel so extremely energised because of the good vibes and flow during the conversation. It was very enlightening and I always love when we have these moments of reflecting together. It always shows how strongly we are connected and it surely makes me excited to know that we both feel that good things are coming...

    The Saturday afternoon walk

    Then we had the Saturday afternoon walk, after having a little bit of a lazy morning. Not the boyfriend, he had his weekly management meeting but we slept in a little. That walk was again filled with many laughs, smiles because of the beauty surrounding us and being grateful to live here and the joy of being able to sit down somewhere to have a drink and just live in the moment. It was no special tapas moment or anything, but simplicity does the trick, we felt happy and walked back home to notice amazing flowers everywhere, how can you not smile seeing those?

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    Feeling light and bright

    Nature is amazing, these flowers are all little pieces of art if you ask me.. I'm sharing all the white flowers in this post because I feel as light and bright as these beautiful flowers at this moment. I've been handling things much better lately and even with a painful day, it never overtook my overall ability to get stuff done and see the day as a positive and productive one.

    Saturday evening

    This was a little funny to be fair, the long walk was long overdue since our treadmill was sent back for repair and then we dealt with many windy days and less good weather in the weekends. It was noticeable that my body had to get used to this again so I was totally wrecked Saturday when we came home. In fact, I was so tired that I fell asleep sitting while watching TV around 8 PM. When my daughter went to bed, I thought it was probably smart to follow that example as we planned on going to the flea market on Sunday and I'd better be rested because I promised to drive the way there.

    Couldn't sleep

    When I was in bed, I couldn't sleep and kept turning and twisting around, this usually ends up in my hips being very sore and getting up will be hard in the morning. Where I woke up from my boyfriend doing some cleaning around 7.30 AM on a Sunday as he couldn't sleep anymore, and was greeted with a big smile from him, I was very sore and not so happy to be awake yet.

    My mood took a bit of time to clear but I surely wasn't going to skip the flea market as I know walking it out works better than any pain pill. I'm grateful that he drove and understood I needed a few hours to shake off the pain. Even waking up in pain, my mood was cleared quickly when I looked around us when driving along the coastline. Again, so many feeling of gratitude took over. I felt the day was going to be good.

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    The flea market(s)

    We planned on going to just one of the two flea markets but ended up going to both. Which I'm happy we did because we ended up finding a few gems, I will link the posts here for you to read if you're curious about those:

    I felt it was going to be a good day on the markets, and so it was.

    The tropical coast of Spain

    The costa tropical has been amazing to drive through, it's a shame it's a bit far from where we live now because we'd love to hang out there a bit more often. We definitely ended up at the wrong coast when we moved countries but it's ok, we're working towards our goals and we will end up where we need to be at the exact right time. I can surely recommend this coast because of all the green surroundings and you can find tons of fruit growing there as well. I get instantly happy when we are in that area because of the scenery, and I have only seen so little of it so far during these few visits.

    Looking for food!

    The last thing that added to our extremely positive weekend was sitting down for some food. It's been a long time since I felt hangry, but this afternoon on Sunday, it was really happening, I think not drinking enough water those hours with the already hot sun on my face was contributing to me needing some food asap.

    At the second market there were quite a few Dutch people with market stalls so we just asked them where we could sit and have a proper meal. They said around here not so much, drive down to the beach as there is plenty to find there. We did, but we could not find a parking spot unless we would park up a steep hill, which we voted against because of my knees.

    You can read all about this day trip in my most recent post about The costa tropical here.

    Maps, find me a restaurant please!

    Then I just filled in our location and asked for a restaurant near us and we ended up at a hotel a few minutes further where it was quite busy and they had a menu of the day for just 9 euros. Even though we had to wait for a while, I could not stop smiling just being grateful to be there and have such a positive weekend and wonderful day out. I totally forgot about how the day started (with so much pain) and how horrible the night had been twisting and turning all night.

    Moments of gratitude

    I hope I can extend this feeling of gratitude and this amazingly smooth flow of everything going as planned as well as things getting sorted quicker than expected and often with less hurdles than I initially thought. Whenever things feel a bit harder, I open the balcony door, stand on the balcony, look at the ocean view and sniff in some air to feel better instantly.

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    I hope you feel as positive as I have been feeling lately, sending you good vibes!

    All pictures are taken by yours truly, with my phone..

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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