Death of a Star

in voilk •  4 months ago

    A female football star who played at the national level of a country died while giving birth, due to lack of proper treatment!
    And that country has every facilities to facilitate the very basic services, and ONLY thing lacking is CARING ENOUGH FOR WOMEN WHO ARE EMPOWERING.
    (Collected from newspaper)
    Razia Sultana is the name of this former football playet #RIP, was ONLY 20 years old when she died.

    How much does it make sense in this 21st century?
    Yes, I understand, there are still many parts of the country where it is yet to reach the adequate treatment for people, but our country is not very back dated either, at least in terms of simple medical treatments.

    We do not have enough, and all lives do matter, however, a star-female player dying just because of postpartum hemorrhage, because she did not have enough money to decide to give birth in a hospital...and none of that mattered!

    Because you spend millions for the men's cricket team, football, who barely brought any medal except shame and loss everywhere they went, living off of money provided by the country for just existing and showing their faces!

    Even if I am to die of an unnatural death to speak up, I must say the more modernized the era is becoming, the number of religious extremists is increasing in this country.
    We women have been deceived from our very fundamental rights and expected to only keep quiet inside of home, and only cook and give birth to children.
    Throughout the time, things have changed and yet, not really changed at all. In every acquired aspect, the men of this society will question the necessity of women education, women empowerment and keep proposing that women just should go back to the way back 50/100 years back, doing household chores and giving birth, taking care of family.

    Now behold there, my dear gentlemen, if you are not one of them no need to feel offended, but you must accept the anguishing, frustrating harsh reality that exists in this society, however shameful it is to accept that it is still a hard-core patriarchial society.

    Where this lady has been a success since her career, where she went, and had to lose her seat in the federation during COVID.
    Later, she did not get much games as well but she did keep playing until then.

    You may say, maybe she was less competent than others, I would not argue about it. You see worthless cricketers, footballers living like kings, and keep earning money regardless even of those, who probably did not have a half shining-bright career as her.
    I hope I do not need to remind you not to forget to compare the nurturing treatment and facilities women team get of course.

    Of course, a country where women were eventually able to break free of that traditionalistic-chain of lifeless slavery, but unfortunately our men were not taught how to balance themselves with this new careerist, educated women, who thinks, works, takes care, and actually have opinions to express!

    We let our women play, but where are the procedures of taking care of them, upgrading their lifestyles, creating opportunities, encouraging them to fly higher, moving forward...
    Why would a star footballer, who played internationally, was on the national team, die during childbirth?
    Why would she decide to give birth at home when she had hospitals around?

    The district/area political leaders expressing gratitude and condolences... for bleeding whatttttttttt?
    How could you not know of her condition? How could you not know the consequences?
    It's not sudden death that was unpredictable?
    It was a childbirth, had a long and well predicted, calculated time length, and her death could be prevented if she was taken to the hospital even after the child birth!

    All the contents are mine until mentioned otherwise. 
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