Reblog lottery // Beer tasting, Saturday

in voilk •  3 months ago

    As announced here, Saturday was supposed to bring a long a Beer tasting post.

    While I did get the beer taste, I was unable to do the post. This means the post is late, and according to the rules outlined in the post mentioned above, I have to transfer $5 to a user.
    I am very biased, so I decided to do the transfer to my daughters "saving account".

    Many good things in this.
    The $5 (6,1 $DAB) will pay dividends in $HIVE and will grow because of this. It is, after all, a savings account, mostly 😃

    The beer tasting

    Some friends and I gathered and one of us had brought the beers we had to taste.

    It ended up being a decent selection with 5 different ones

    We did have to wait a while for them to get cold, which, unfortunately lead to us drinking regular beers and only ended up tasting 1 of the beers from the beer taste. We then agreed that we would wait until next Saturday with the rest, but almost could not wait.

    First beer

    Willemoes, Belgian Ale.
    Red - Aromatic - Spicy

    This beer is what I would call a dark beer, but it embodies everything I think of when I think of Belgian Ale.

    At first glance, the bottle in which we find this Belgian Ale from Willemoes: it captivates your eyes with its curvy, inviting appearance.
    When I poured in a mug (or half of it, at least - 2nd half came when the mug was empty), the color caught my eye. It looks delicious:

    The taste

    On the back of the bottle it said this beer is brewed to be a strong yet not bitter beer. The aftertaste was described as "particularly delightful taste of dried fruit".

    I won't lie, I don't know how dried fruit taste like. But this beer is delicious! I can't put a finger on anything that could have been better in the experience.

    Final rating

    The taste when it touched my tongeu was far less bitter than I had thought it would be when I saw it in the mug. It was a stronger, dark beer, yet with a light taste leaving you wanting abother taste right away. Even the aftertaste makes you want to have a taste again!

    My verdict of this Willemoes, Belgian Ale is a solid 9/10.
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

    Reblog lottery

    How does the reblog lottery work??

    • Reblog the post
    • Comment with the word "REBLOGGED" (does not have to be capital letters)
    • Your comment may contain more than just this one word, but this word is required

    Reblog the post before: Monday, April 8th @ 7pm UTC

    Winner will be 20% beneficiary to the next post (not Actifit, if any are posted) and the chance to win cool $HIVE too.
    For each ten (10) reblog, there will be added 2 HSBI to the winner.

    Last rounds result

    Winner has been selected using this tool

    After having compared comments with reblogs, the participants for this round are:
    @henruc @imfarhad @khantaimur @ladymisa @mulik369 @nabbas0786 @nahueldare3627 @olaf.gui @sylmarill @vrezyy

    And the winner:


    Congratulations, please enjoy your 20% profit share on this post and 2 HSBI. Read more about HSBI here

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