When you run out of rocks

in voilk •  3 months ago


    The other day someone told me here on Hive that if I run out of rocks (to decorate them) I will have to walk to the beach. That is true, there are plenty of pebbles and rocks that are perfect for my new hobby, to make kindness rocks. So we did it yesterday, we went for a longer walk by the seashore, I picked a few rocks but we didn't stop there. We continued our walk, although the sign suggested going in a different direction. 😁


    I am just kidding, it is for the vehicles as the direction they have to drive changed recently. Now, we can see a sign like this every few metres, but luckily, walkers can circulate in any direction. That is why we walked toward the harbour without any trouble. Left foot, right foot, and repeat. Many times... until you arrive at the place where the boats rest. The harbour.


    Just before we reached this place some fishing boats arrived in port with fresh fish. Many seagulls flying around those ships - that is typical to see here, but the scene was far enough away for me to photograph. Hence, just these little boats are visiting this post.


    I could read the names of these boats in their calm swinging on the water's surface. Colosa (or Golosa), El Torrero, Nerea & Paula, Segura, La Temblaera, Atlantic I, Lydia, Estrella... The majority of the boats had names, not all though.

    If you had a little boat, how would you call it?



    Maybe you noticed that many boats are white and blue, and a few of them with some green details. However, this one was different - it stood out with its red colour.


    We didn't stay for a long time there. Apart from taking a few rocks from the beach, we needed to run one errand before the place closed. We sped up our walk but still, I noticed one interesting bench.

    A smart bench, I think they are called like that? You can charge your phone here, although I don't know if there is wifi. Later, I saw a similar bench but it had a little tower too and was occupied by teenagers, with phones in their hands. 😁


    Cool, aren't they? These big rocks!

    How much time would I need to decorate one rock of this size? 😂 I can't get these, so let's continue the walk.



    Entering the narrow streets I realized that there were also many rocks and pebbles, but I couldn't get these either. My bag was already a bit heavy from the few I carried.

    This was a nice entrance to someone's home with these painted plant pots...



    We walked a lot, aren't we? In case you also got tired from walking by the seashore, running an errand, seeing smart and rocky benches, going up and down in the narrow streets of Altea then you can join us in this sweet part of the walk too.

    Coffee with milk, chocolate cake or merengue, choose what you prefer from this display.



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