Nothing beats a genuine friendship [LOH #192]

in voilk •  3 days ago

    The word friendship can mean different things to different people and people's definition of this word can sometimes be based on their experiences. To me friendship means love, it means believing in me when no one does and standing by me.

    How much does friendship mean to you?

    The word friendship goes beyond the ten-letter words and also the literal meaning but one's action. People need to stop abusing this word as it seems the more people abuse the word the more the power is drained from word.


    The importance of friendship to humans cannot be over-emphasized as if cuts across so many parts of human existence.

    Friends are like angels, they just sort of know the right things to say and the right things to say at every given time.
    They can be your counselors, therapists, cheerleaders, comedians, you name
    it! as they can assume any role just to make their favorite person happy😃

    Growing up I had a few friends and as long as I can remember I had just one friend all through High School and another friend all through College and I was content. It took a while before I started making friends and it saved me from a whole lot of cartel or squad misunderstanding as I had just a few friends.


    The more I grew the more I became accessible as my job moved me across different states and that played a huge role in helping me see the importance of making friends and those friends I have made have played vital roles in my life as an adult.

    While making new friends I discovered that making new friends does not mean throwing away old friends it just simply means creating room for others to stay as well, it means expanding you're circle and having people who come to help you get through various points in your life. Truth be told, most friends are for different seasons in your life, only very few come and stay and do almost forever with you, and if you have such, treasure them.


    Now it's so easy for me to make friends. A warm smile, a little compliment, a little pep talk and many more can lead to me being friends with a person. When I think about how I met some of my friends I can’t help but laugh as I became friends with these people out of some ridiculous and awkward circumstances. I remember how I met one of my friends, he only asked me for my phone charger that day after his friend had seriously laughed at him for always buying a fake charger, and since his laughter was contagious everyone was laughing too and when he asked for the charger I didn’t hesitate to give him and the rest is history now😃
    Just like people say love can hit you anywhere and anytime when you aren’t watching same is applicable to friendship too.


    Just like everyone else I have had my fair share of betrayal, and where I have been hurt deeply it felt like my heart was completely shattered but would that stop me from meeting new people and making them my friends? Hell NO! I will continue to extend the hand of friendship wherever I go, I won't lose out on all the amazing people the universe has sent my way just because of a few betrayals on the road.

    In a world filled with fakers and where trusting people is almost impossible having a genuine friend or friends is a big flex!

    All images are mine except otherwise stated.

    Thanks for stopping by
    Loads of Love🥰🥰

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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