Enjoy education and tradition not create war

in voilk •  2 months ago

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    I was conversing today with a friend who believes the bride price wasn't necessary, and he doesn't advise anybody to pay it. I was trying to change his mindset concerning this, but he was adamant, and he said he would never pay the bride price. I let him also realize that he doesn't deserve any woman from a good family because it is a must for a man to pay the bride price, and this is where we are all getting it wrong in our country, where we let civilization corrupt our mind and don't see the need to practice our culture properly.

    I've encountered individuals who believe that our language is inferior and impedes children's ability to learn English. As a result, they prevent their children from speaking our language and exclusively teach them English, which I don't agree with. This is a prevalent practice in Nigeria, where parents raise their children to speak only English, without ever using their native language. While education is critical and every child should attend school, I don't see the rationale behind parents raising their children without any knowledge of their mother tongue.

    People are just creating war that doesn't exist

    It's interesting how people view their culture and often don't give it the importance it deserves. Neglecting our origins and forgetting why our ancestors put certain traditions and customs in place is a sad reality. It's unfortunate that some people argue that traditional practices like paying a price for a bride imply buying the woman from her parents. This is a misunderstanding that stems from a lack of knowledge and education. Similarly, the argument against children learning their mother tongue is also misguided because it's important to be able to communicate and connect with our own people.

    I realize people have been creating this war between civilization, education, and even culture for a long time. Sometimes, this stems from a lack of knowledge and ego or pride. Some people always want to prove a point that they understand better than everybody else which always leads to stupidity, and also, some people just come up with different ideas in their mind, which leads to misinformation, and I've led so many people into the dark. There is always no need for an argument between education, culture, and tradition because they all have their purpose.

    Education should modify and not give you a reason to neglect your tradition

    Education has had a significant impact on Africa. It has improved communication skills, opened up opportunities, and allowed access to technology that has transformed lives. Rather than seeing education as a threat to culture or tradition, it should be embraced as a means of personal growth and understanding. Education should broaden one's perspective and provide insight into the reasons behind cultural practices.

    Education and culture are distinct entities that should not be mixed and argued over. It's important to respect people's beliefs and avoid imposing your own on them. If you have been spreading falsehoods about education and tradition, it's time to stop. Everyone has the right to pursue education while honoring their cultural and traditional values. Let us all enjoy the best of both worlds without compromising our beliefs.

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