How the acts of kindness and generosity came in an unexpected way.

in voilk •  3 months ago


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    There's a saying, "Givers never lack" or "What you sow, you shall reap.". You can't expect that you will sow wickedness and reap kindness; it is impossible; it can never happen.

    In other words, if you sow wickedness, you must reap wickedness, and if you sow kindness, you must definitely reap kindness.

    We have some people who, just because of what happened to them in the past, stopped being kind to people. Whenever someone meets them for help, even if the thing is in their capacity, they will lie to them that they don't have anything because of the experience they faced in the past. No matter what has happened to us in the past, that doesn't mean we should stop showing kindness to others. Don't let us focus on the past or present; we should focus on the future because we don't know where our kindness will take us. In our family, they love showing kindness to people, especially the poor who are in need.

    There's a day we don't have much food, and we are waiting for our big mummy, whom we call Mummy Benin, to send us our monthly food and money. The food we have is not much at all, and Mummy says she doesn't have any money with her for now. Then my two cousins were staying with our late Grandma, so we called our uncles and aunties; maybe they could help. They all said they don't have money, and the food at home is not much. So the following day, there's this woman we called Iya Olobi (the woman who's selling Kola nuts). The woman came to our house and said our grandma should please help her with food because she didn't have any food to eat.

    The next thing we would see was that our grandma asked us to give her raw rice and palm oil. I and my cousins were angry, shouting at our grandma that she knew we didn't have much food, but still, she was giving it to the woman. All she said was just give her the food and don't question me that God Almighty would help us. The following day, we were all outside our compound, gisting, when we saw a black-looking car enter our compound. The man who drove the car came outside and greeted our grandma. Our grandma asked him what he was doing in our town; he said he came to do something in one area, and he said he should just branch out and greet our grandma. When the man was going, he asked us to follow him to his booth.

    Then he opened the booth and asked us to carry the half bag of rice, ten tubers of yams, and beans. He also gave our grandma #15,000 and gave the three of us #5,000. We were happy because we were not expecting such a miracle. When the man left, our grandma told us that all because of the small kindness we showed to that woman we should see what we receive in the end, and that no matter what, we should always give to people who are in need. Even if we only have a little, it doesn't matter; we should always give them. When we told our big mummy and our other family, they were shocked and happy about the man's gestures, and the funniest part was that our grandmas had not seen the man for the past seven years. Have you seen how God does wonders?

    Even this happened to me on December 23rd last year when we went for Christmas and New Year, meanwhile have been praying to God that he should provide me money before we go home because I need money in case I need something to buy and not that I would be depending on my sisters after paying for our transport fees, that day when we were going I was moody because no one sent me money and I don't want to beg for money from my family hands, luckily for me and my brother our cousin sister is also coming that day, as we got to our home town and during the night when I and my cousin sister wants to sleep I just received an alert of #8,000, I was shocked because I don't know who sent the money to me so I told my cousin sister about it because I was surprised.

    Meanwhile, in the afternoon, my cousin said she needed #1,000 and that she wanted to buy a card and data that she didn't have any money, then when I saw that someone sent me money out of kindness I gave my cousin's sister #2,000 to use to buy anything that she needs, then the following day which is Sunday I put #2,000 for tithe for what God has done for me because I wasn't expecting that kind of money. Since then, I have been mature enough to help people in need, and I always show my kindness to people. Until now, I used to think that maybe because I love showing kindness to people, if I see I have enough money, that's why God sent the person to return the gesture back to me.

    As I said earlier, no matter what we have faced in the past, we should never stop showing kindness because we don't know where it will take us and also kindness paves the way for us.

    Thanks for reading ❤❤❤❤❤.

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