The monochrome flowers- Monomad Challenge

in voilk •  3 months ago

    “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
    ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Hi everyone. I hope you all are fine. I am here to thank each one of you for so much love and support on my previous entry. This is my entry to the #monomad challenge.
    I have taken some pictures of flowers when I went to a nearby park. Flowers have always amused me with their delicacy, vibrancy and colors. When I added black and white colors to these photos, I was amazed myself.

    This is my entry photo to the #monomad challenge. This looks an entirely different photo when in colors. I guess this is how we human beings are. We try to portray our different personalities in front of the society with fake colors to attract more eye balls. However, we do have a genuine monochrome inside us that we keep within us until a loved one shows us some genuine affection. This is how I see myself. I really like this one photography and I would love some comments on this one.

    I am not an expert in naming the flowers, but look at the design of these amazing little things. This makes me wonder that the Almighty creator is a fascinating artist. We all human beings take inspiration from such natural things while creating our art.

    The portrait shots of these flowers came out amazing. I will leave an original for a better understanding. Do you know anything about this flower?

    I came across this flower too. It was red in color. I usually go for a morning walk in the nearby park where these have been planted. Watching these flowers in the morning and greenery makes me feel lightheaded. I feel better and this is how we should start our days. Morning walk with such wonderful scenes sets our mood on a positive note.

    I took a couple of pictures of these flowers and I saw a rather dead flower. It made me sad that this one was not blooming. In the mundane and often stressed life, we also forget to bloom. It is not in the control of this flower to bloom, but we human beings are very much capable of taking control of our lives. We have to make sure that the negative energies that forbid us from blooming are sidelined.

    Why should all the credit be given to flowers only? Leaves are beautiful too. I captured this one so that this does not feel left alone. 😄

    These are the actual and surface colors of these flowers. What do you like more? I personally like the black and white ones because of the depth.

    I hope you liked the blog. Thank you so much for your time and support. It means a lot to me. Do share your views and thoughts in the comments section below so that we can learn and grow together. Take care and have a great day ahead. Do not forget to follow my account for more such content.

    Ps: The pictures are mine taken with my Google pixel 5 and edited using the Adobe literoom app.

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