Introducing yourself to join the HIVE BLOG

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello, good afternoon and evening to all friends wherever you are in the country, let me introduce myself, my name is fun Eza79. I am currently still living in Aceh, part of Indonesia, the western part of the island of Sumatra. Today, Sunday 7 April 2024, I am a beginner in the HIVE block, I hope all my friends can help me in providing all input and motivation for all future developments. I got to know the Hive Blog with my friend @mnurhiver, I was interested in his daily activities looking for pictures and writing articles on the Hive Blog. Therefore I tried to study with him and started writing on the Hive Blog.

    In my daily activities, I often go on trips, sometimes fishing, sometimes going to the mountains, including surveying traditional gold mines in mountainous areas and rivers throughout Aceh which historically indicate that there are gold ore, including surveying and monitoring fish in the sea so they are easy to catch. by fishing boats. I do this and enjoy my daily life while fishing for various types of fish that occupy the fish clumps that have been provided by traditional fishermen in the middle of the Aceh sea. So for friends wherever you are who want to see and read my various activities, you can follow me on my personal blog, where the stories might be very interesting.

    After the tsunami in Aceh in 2005, I was also involved in the humanitarian sector with Kat Steven's Small Kindness Foundation, which later changed its name to Yusuf Islam, which is based in England, which is active in the field of saving post-tsunami orphaned children in Aceh to provide all kinds of assistance. and support for them so that they can continue their school activities and also their daily activities to ensure that their education is carried out as before the tsunami occurred in Aceh and I also worked with the AMCF foundation owned by Sheikh Khuri from Dubai.

    Apart from that, it is also engaged in the same field of providing assistance to orphaned abandoned children when the tsunami hit Aceh and is also engaged in the field of monitoring and evaluating Aceh's development under BRR in a spatial plan to monitor the progress of development implementation in almost all of Aceh. where I have to go to various remote locations in areas affected by the tsunami if there are obstacles in the housing development stage for people who have been affected by the tsunami and also obstacles in terms of developing various other infrastructure that I have to handle so that all development runs normally without constraint. Apart from that, I was also involved under the UN agency, namely the UNIFEM agency which was active in the field of saving women and children to conduct surveys throughout Aceh, where at that time there was still a war conflict between GAM and the Indonesian government with the aim of reducing the conflict. in Aceh to reconcile both parties so that development after the tsunami could be realized and carried out with safety and peace at which time UNIFEM collaborated with AI (Aceh institute) to conduct a survey on the protection of women and children throughout Aceh who were affected by the conflict.

    At that time, almost all the people of Aceh felt trauma and fear due to the conflict that had been going on for a very long time throughout the Aceh region. This was followed by an earthquake followed by a very powerful tsunami at the end of December 2004. To be precise, on Sunday the 26th. The earthquake shook the entire region of Asia. This powerful earthquake was felt throughout the Aceh region and also the small islands of the Aceh region. Where after the survey was carried out in almost all areas of Aceh and the results were reported directly to UNIFEM which at that time had established a representative office in Aceh. Under UN and international pressure, 3 months after the survey results were reported, peace was held in Finland. What is known as the Helsinki MoU.

    When peace has been achieved, Aceh's various infrastructure developments will be easier to implement. With the achievement of peace, various economic assistance and other assistance for the people of Aceh will be easier to distribute to improve the lives of all the people of Aceh. Aceh Province is an area located at the tip of the island of Sumatra, part of the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia, where local and foreign tourists are more familiar with Sabang Island and other islands, including many islands with extraordinary beautiful beaches and natural seas. and also Simeulu Island as a producer of lobster shrimp as an export commodity for foreign countries. Maybe this is all I can say as an introduction from me. Greetings and infinite thanks.

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