Internet Service Is Important But It Shouldn't Be Fundamental Right

in voilk •  last month

    Hello to all hive users 🤗❤️🙏
    Hope you all are healthy and doing great in your life🙂

    In today's time, internet has become a necessity for most people. Most of the people who cannot live without internet have become addicts of internet. Some people have become so addicted to internet that if they do not get internet facility during the day, they become crazy, just like a drug addict becomes crazy when he does not get access to it, similarly, some people are in the same situation. If we see, we need internet for most of the things from waking up in the morning to sleeping at night. It was just a few years ago when internet was not so popular, at that time people could imagine their life without internet. There was a time when it did not matter whether there was internet or not, but nowadays the time is different and without internet, many people can become unemployed. Whether it is a school or a hospital or a government office or any institution, there is a great need for internet everywhere.

    Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

    Now if I talk about internet as a fundamental right, I feel that this thing will not be right because you yourself think that if you are taking away the access of internet services from a person, then you will get punishment for that. The first thing if we look at it, then it will be here that why would someone take away the internet services from you. Internet is a service and just like internet is a service, we take many types of services in our life. There are many such services in these services which are very important for a person and if that person does not get the service, then his life can also be lost, but if we talk about internet, then there is no danger to anyone's life if it is not available because if there is no internet, then at the most it is possible that some of your work may stop but it will not become a danger to your life. For example, suppose a patient is admitted in a hospital and a doctor there refuses to treat him, then in such a condition the doctor will definitely get punishment because he denied treatment to the patient.

    If we look at it, why would anyone refuse you internet service? Only your service provider can reject your internet service and that too when your internet plan has expired. Apart from this, if he does not provide you internet service then you can complain against him. No one does this knowingly, if the service provider is unable to provide network service then there is some technical reason behind it. Apart from this, no one else can deprive you of internet service.

    If rules are to be made, then there should be such rules that those who cannot afford the internet service should get it at a very low price so that they can afford the service. Today there are many people in the society who do not even have a smartphone and the way internet has become a necessity for people today, it is very important for everyone to have it. Children of people who are very poor study in school and see that other classmates gain very good knowledge from the internet but those people are not able to use the internet service, so they can be left behind. So it should be ensured that every house has at least one internet connection and one working device through which they can do their important internet related work and children can study.

    Thanks for reading my post till the end.
    If you have any suggestions or feedback then please comment down.

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