Splinterlands: Lir Deepswimmer is great in Going the Distance Fights

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Splinterlands is a complex game and it allows for various different cards and strategies. Each fight is different as there are various different rulesets applied and this can give specific cards an advantage depending on how you use them. In this post, I talk about a great battle that I had and it's about the card Lir Deepswimmer.

    Featured Cards

    Lir Deepswimmer is a water summoner that costs 7 mana. It gives me +2 armor, return fire and blind ability. It's a pretty good summoner to use when the enemy uses a lot of ranged monsters. I got this a long time ago back during the Untamed days and now that I am in the Wild league, I can use it again.

    Rule set, Battle and Plan

    rule set.png

    The ruleset this time Target Practice, Are you Entertained and Going the Distance. This means that only ranged monsters can be used, an extra gladiator can be used and every monster gains the snipe ability. There is also 36 mana and I have the choice of fire, water, earth, or dragon splinter.

    SplinterMana CostPositionReason
    Lir Deepswimmer7Summoner+2 armor, return fire and blind
    Wave Brood81stTaunt and close range
    Igor Darkspear22ndDamage Dealer and backup tank
    Edith Emberstar83rdBloodlust
    Naga Windmaster44thHeadwinds
    Swamp Spitter75thRepair
    Total Mana:36

    This is the perfect match for Lir Deepswimmer because only ranged monsters can be used. I start off with Wave Brood as my tank with close range. Then I have Igor Darkspear in 2nd spot as a backup tank as it has decent health. After that is Edith Emberstar with bloodlust to help out with the damage. Following that, I have Naga Windmaster with headwinds to decrease range damage and Swamp Spitter with repair to allow me to survive longer.

    Round 1

    round 1.png
    At first glance, I think I have the advantage even though my opponent used Odin. It's because of the return fire ability and that works even against blast. I am a bit worried about the martyr monsters because it could make things harder.

    Round 2

    round 2.png
    I was able to take out one monster on my opponent's end and my opponent has taken a decent amount of damage. It could still get dangerous for me but at least none of my monsters have died yet.

    Round 3

    round 3.png
    I lost my first monster but my opponent has lost another 2 monsters. I do think that I have this match won because of the return fire damage and the fact that I still have repair. At the same time, my bloodlust monster has done a great job of stacking up damage.

    I was able to win the match a few rounds later.


    The battle this time around went exactly as I expected. I played my monsters to survive longer and it worked out to my advantage as the counterdamage did its work against my opponent. The gladiator that I put in also did a great job as it stacked up bloodlust and destroyed my opponent. Lir is such a great summoner when you know that you are up against ranged monsters. Repair and headwinds are also great abilities to have in this ruleset and with Lir as the summoner. I usually lose against Yodin but it worked out well this time around due to Lir.

    You can see my entire match here.

    What did you think of my match? Was there anything you would have done differently? I think it is quite interesting to see how different players use the same card.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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