Doctor Doctor: A #threetunetuesday post

in voilk •  4 months ago


    It's a bit funny how inspiration can just kind of hit you out of nowhere. I had a pretty good idea of the direction I wanted to take with my #threetunetuesday post today sponsored by @ablaze. Given the fact that it was St. Patrick's day on Sunday, I thought it might be a good idea to go with an Irish theme for my songs today.

    Then, I went to bed last night and woke up this morning feeling like I had been run over by a mac truck. I've got a pretty significant pain in my ear and my throat, so I am going to head off to the doctor to see if I have strep or something like that.

    Just for clarification, that photo above is from 2020 when I injured my leg and I needed to go into the emergency room to get some antibiotics intravenously. I was fairly lucky that I didn't need to to go into the hospital for anything else in 2020, others weren't as lucky.

    Actually, I kind of feel like I have just been biding my time since then because I can't remember having gotten significantly sick since Covid hit. I was able to avoid "the rona" and pretty much every other bug that has gone around simply by being careful and sanitizing properly.

    If I had to guess, I probably picked something up at the conference I just attended. Throw a couple thousand educators into a small (or big) space, and you are bound to be exposed to something.

    In just about two hours I should know if I just have a cold or if I have to stay home from work for a couple of days and run through a course of antibiotics. Meanwhile, let's get to the music!

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    You had to know that I wouldn't be able to write a post about being sick without throwing out a little Bon Jovi right? "Bad Medicine" is one of my favorite songs by the band and I also think it is one of the most perfect walking songs. There is something about the beats per minute in Bad Medicine that fits really well with my walking stride. It's like it was made for me to walk to it.

    Don't believe me? Try it for yourself. I remember a long time ago I found a website that would give you the BPM for whatever song you typed in. I put Bad Medicine in and then tried to find other songs that had the same BPM so I could put together the perfect walking playlist.

    I don't remember what ever happened with that, but maybe I will try to recreate it one day.

    Bad Medicine is just a good fun song that really stands out as one of the best from Bon Jovi. It absolutely rocks!

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    If you have been following me for a while, you might be surprised to find out that I owned a copy of the Disturbed CD which included "Down With The Sickness" when it first came out. While metal doesn't generally fit into my regular listening rotation of easy listening pop/rock and jazz, it isn't something that I shy away from either.

    I feel like this was around the time that metal was making a bit of a resurgence and becoming a bit more approachable for the masses. Godsmack had found a lot of success as the grunge thing was winding down and it kind of opened the door for artists like Disturbed to forge some new ground.

    "Down with the sickness" is just a good heavy song that gets you banging your head a bit and in th words of Limp Bizkit wanting to break some stuff!

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    Finally, I wanted to slow things down a little bit and share the song that gave me the inspiration for the title of this post. "Doctor Doctor" is one of the bigger hits that The Thompson Twins had over here in the US. While not as big as the songs from The Breakfast Club and other 80's movies, it still resonated with a lot of people.

    I thought about sharing Jackson Browne's "Doctor My Eyes" for my last song here, but when I really thought about it, there was no other option.

    We spent a bit of time at the vet yesterday evening with Jovi and it would appear that I didn't want to be left out. I'm really not looking forward to going to the doctor, but I know it's the smart thing to do. Especially given the fact that I have decent insurance which will cover the visit. Many don't have that luxury.

    Wish me luck!

    Hopefully I am not down for the count too long! This isn't the time I want to be bed ridden with the crypto markets in such a state of flux!

    Sports Talk Social - @bozz.sports


    All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced

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