Astra Zeneca Vaccine Withdrawn : Choose Your Truth

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Significant breaking news this week is that Astra Zeneca has withdrawn its Covid-19 Vaccine worldwide. To many this comes as no surprise and some (like me) would probably wonder why it has taken this long. It was fairly common knowledge from about June 2021 that there were some safety issues with this vaccine and yet here we are almost 3 years later and it’s finally been recalled.


    This news comes in the context of a recent admission by the pharmaceutical giant in a UK Court Case that the vaccine can cause serious side effects. They are in the process of being sued in a Class Action over claims that the vaccine caused death and serious injury in dozens of cases. The timing is probably just a co-incidence though, right?

    For years the Covid-19 vaccines have been promoted as being Safe and Effective and yet the evidence continues to mount that they were, in fact, neither. I personally am shocked that it’s taking this long for The Big Lie to unravel, but the Spin Doctors are hard at work trying to protect themselves from liability. I’m not just talking about the pharmaceutical companies here either, it’s the governments and the corporate media who all have a lot to lose by being found to be complicit.

    In Australia we have the left wing Guardian and the State Run Media ABC both parroting the official press release of Astra Zeneca and claiming the withdrawal is because of a lack of demand for the vaccine along with a surplus of updated vaccines now being available.

    The genius of this spin is that it’s not exactly a lie. If your product is shitty, people have been harmed by it and everyone now knows it...then it’s going to cause a loss of demand. The insidious and duplicitous reporting of the news in this way is really about Whitewashing what’s really going on here and at the same time protecting the establishment from blame and liability...well, for as long as they can anyway.

    The truth is slowly coming out. The question is whether people will accept it or whether maintaining the lie is more comfortable. Choose Your Truth.

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