Forgive and Forget, Part 2

in voilk •  3 months ago

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    Forgive and Forget, Part 2


    1 John 3:15, Ephesians 4:30–32, Ephesians 5:1, 1 Corinthians 13:4–8, 1 John 4:8, 1 John 4:16

    Through this lesson, a lot has been learned about what is right, which has to do with "forgiveness and forgetting," which is the caption of this lesson. Hence, we are mainly to understand that wherever there is no love, there is always hatred and envy, which lead to misfortune, which is not of Christ.

    Hence, the big question that every believer has to ask himself or herself is, Why do we still remember the past, which some have been done to us? Even at the point where people claim to have forgiven, the answer to this question was actually answered well by Brother Eliseo F. Soriano, which let us understand that there is no love in between.

    Hence, rest assured that where we find love, there is always unity in-between which unity and retention of the relationship among ourselves, that is the reason we don't have to take this practice of showing love for granted, inasmuch as it is high time for every believer of faith to understand that hatred is the force behind manifestations of unforgiveness seen among men, which tend to return the memory of evil one has done to us.

    So according to the book of 1 John 3:15, let us understand that the act of harboring and keeping hatred results in a lot of murder, which is not of God, which goes a long way in killing our soul and the spirit we have whenever we harbor evil. Hence as believers, we are expected to be more forgiving to one another, which grows in line with spiritual life.

    Hence, this approach to forgiveness comes from showing kindness and having a compassionate mind, which retain and keep our interpersonal relationships strong, so brethren bearing evil in the mind have nothing to give in return rather, it damaged a lot of patterns of our wellbeing, be it spiritual or physical, and that is a big reason why we ought to do away with such patterning to malice, anger, and bitterness of the mind and embrace forgiveness, that truly define who we are, as Ephesians 4:30–32 let us understand.

    According to the book of Ephesians, 5:1 calls for everyone to imitate what God has done for us so far in regards to showing love and kindness, which is a typical example that every believer has to emulate as much as showing love and being selfless in what we do, which is patterning to the will of God and shows our divine contribution as Christians.

    1 Corinthians 13:4–8 tells us that even as we are trying to practice all this, there is a need to show genuine love, which has to have qualities that make it genuine, such as patience, kindness, humility, and perseverance, which are all paramount to what defines the love we have for one another and that retains the spirit of forgiveness among ourselves. So brethren, let be of faith, as 1 John 4:8 and 16 instruct us to remain who we are in sharing love across and which are the means we can abide with the word of God, which is in line with our faith, which as well retains our relationship with God almighty.

    Hence, brethren, let love be always our foundation of whatever we are doing, because with love we retain our relationship with God and at the same time uplift our faith in our spiritual lives. So let us be of the love virtue in our daily endeavors, which reflect the grace God has for us.

    Moral Lessons


    ● 11 John 3:15 enlightens us about having love for one another rather than hatred that leads to death, so let us beware of this.

    ● Ephesians 4:30-32 this part of the scripture encourages us as believers to do away with unforgiveness rather we should always forgive as God did to us.

    ● Ephesians 5:1 teaches us that we are mainly to be liked by showing love, which is divinely inclined with the word of God.

    ● 1 Corinthians 13:4–8 enlightens us that with love we can be of one faith and do exploit within our reach, which is the reason we have to endorse this in our lives as Christians.

    ● 1 John 4:8 and 16 This teaches us that love is part of our faith that we ought to practice in everything we are doing in life, which is the foundation we have to grow upon.

    ☆Շђคภкร Ŧ๏г ץ๏ยг Շเ๓є☆



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