FreeCompliments Community – End Of The Month Reminders for our Contests! March ‘24

in voilk •  3 months ago

    We’re already just about a quarter of the way through 2024, and what a wild ride it’s been so far! Bye-bye March, and hello April.

    So, this is once again a simple reminder about a couple of things so that we can properly account for your upcoming rewards which will be coming around over the next few days.

    Please Let Me Know How Many Members You’ve Referred!

    One of our contests is the Monthly Promotion Contest. We’re looking for our members to refer others to this community. We regularly reward 2 HSBI per member who is referred and joins the community, but the one who makes the most referrals wins 5 HSBI, 1000 Ecency points, and 5 DVS (we may change this soon)! Remember that we’re counting referrals only for the past month (i.e. March), rather than lifetime referrals.

    While we continue to have clear winners, I’m 100% confident that more people were referred than were accounted for. So, please let us know whom you know that you’ve referred; and, if someone referred you here, please let us know so they can get credit!

    A Brief Preview of Upcoming Developments

    I’ve dropped hints about this, but I’m working on an outline for delegation rewards. That’s right: you’ll be able to delegate to our community curation account and get rewarded for doing so! If we get enough delegations, we’ll have the opportunity to become a major player in the Hive curation ecosystem. Don’t delegate yet, though… I’m still working out the numbers so that they’re ideal both for the community and for the delegators.

    We’re gradually continuing work on our mental health initiative, and once tax season passes and I’ve secured enough funds, I’m going to add funds to a new account and use interest to pay HBD to our mental health ambassadors, particularly the more active ones. This system is designed to increase in value over time, so our MHAs are going to receive increasing pay over time.

    Our financial account is struggling a lot lately! The recent price fluctuations have caused some big losses in terms of HIVE, and I’m frequently trying to make more favorable trades. Earlier this month, a trade was missed by less than 1%, and then HIVE’s price took off and I lost out quite a bit. That one hurt. I’m being as cautious as possible, but such losses are bound to occur, especially during a bull market.

    On the brighter side, I’ve finally posted about the Threads Engagement Contest! It’s going to officially begin at the beginning of April and the first winners (assuming the contest’s parameters are met) will be announced at the beginning of May!

    We’ve also gotten community input on rewards, and changes are in process to make our reward system much better.

    Additionally, more job positions will be opened up over time. I already have some job descriptions prepared, but will only deploy them at the right time. We’re slowly going to transform the FreeCompliments Community into a business!


    Remember to help us reward you properly! Also, watch out for all the new developments that we have coming your way – there’s a lot that we’re doing to keep developing this community into something that will bring about positive changes to Hive, Web 3.0, and the internet as a whole.

    I would love to hear any and all opinions about these topics from everyone who is currently a member of FreeCompliments, since you’re all inaugural members! Anyone else who finds this page is also very welcome to voice their opinion. We’re all about free speech, and everyone’s experience has value.

    More posts with further ideas incoming soon!

    Disclaimer: FreeCompliments (@hive-140084) will be a 20% beneficiary for this post.

    Follow our curation trail and earn 1 HSBI per month!

    Refer people to the community and earn 2 HSBI per person who joins, plus a chance at a bigger prize!

    Here’s a permanent invite link to the FreeCompliments Discord!

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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