
in voilk •  4 months ago

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    Hi friends, Happy weekend. I hope you are enjoying your weekend?

    Personally I feel forgiveness is a process of letting go and freeing others from their guilt .
    Religiously we're expected to forgive despite the offense but as humans it's not so easy . Honestly, I personally find it hard to forgive especially when I was deliberately offended other reasons are
    Personally I tend to have a strong sense of justice, and I feel that forgiveness toward certain actions lets the offender get away too easily, especially if the consequences of their actions has lasting negative effects towards me for instance if someone purposely took the life of someone I loved I'll see make sure justice is served legally or not.


    Another is that most times forgiveness involves being vulnerable hence opening yourself up to the possibility of being hurt again and that's will be my biggest fear, the thought of being hurt by the same person twice is scary so I'd rather do away with you immediately.

    Also I find it very hard to forgive If the offense caused significant emotional or physical pain or trauma,for instance, currently I have a scar on my right leg which was given to me by a soldier back in high till date I honestly find it very hard forgive that soldier because he flogged me without an offense and he was never sorry for it so whenever I look at the scar all that comes to my mind is how I could have revenged if I had the power too, hence it feels challenging to let go of those feelings and forgive that soldier.
    Most times before one is Forgiven the offender must show acknowledgment and will have to be genuinely sorry for their wrong doing . Just like the soldier If the person doesn't show remorse or take responsibility for their wrong actions, honestly it'll be very difficult to forgive them and even if you want to forgive,the feelings of hurt and anger experienced can make it difficult to let go of the negative emotions and forgive them .

    Most times when certain persons are forgiven ,they usually take advantage of it and hurt the same person over and over again. It often erodes trust and makes forgiveness much harder to achieve,because it feels like welcoming more harm by forgiving the same person without seeing a genuine change .

    Thanks for reading

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