Leaders In & Out!!!

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    Do you know those people who always seem to have an answer to every problem that there is? These are natural leaders and we have them in just about every sphere of life. These are people who genuinely care about the flock they lead and the people who follow them. And then, even if they’re not officially the leader, they still care and are still willing to take charge of things when situations get out of hand.

    We all have such people in our lives and we see them most in action when things go awry and there doesn’t seem to be anything else that we can do. That’s only when we turn to them and as expected, they take charge of the situation.


    Let me paint a picture; you’re in trouble, not just you but a whole bunch of you and none of you knows what to do because everything you’ve tried has failed. Nothing is working and all you guys can think of is to call this one person you’re sure will think of something. Then, they do come and suddenly the problem feels ten times lighter, the sun feels a bit brighter as well and you can already see the end.

    The person begins issuing instructions left and right, telling people what to do, and just like magic, it works and somehow, they’re able to solve the problems. Many times, even if the problem is resolved, people can already predict that it’ll be over just because of how the leader has handled it.


    Do you get it now, no matter what, in every organization, there will always be a person like that. There will always be the game changer who knows what to do at every turn. It can be you, and then it can be someone you know. Over time, the person reveals himself just by how they act and everyone else will simply gravitate towards them.

    It happens especially in school settings, during the First year, the general course rep is mostly appointed because then no one knows anybody. There might be an election but people are only going to vote for who they’re familiar with or who is better looking or speaks better. But then, by the second year, things change and they know a bit more about themselves. They already know those with leadership qualities among themselves and they will naturally pick them out as leaders.

    By the time the students are final years, everyone already more or less knows their places. They might not even have to appoint or elect anyone because they already know who the defacto leader is. And this is the person they’ll bring all their problems to, knowing that he would have at least the barest idea of how to go about solving it.


    Are you such a leader? Do you have the quality that is needed to change things in a snap? Or do you have the presence that when people see you, they’ll instantly be filled with hope? If you’re a person who loves to take charge, then I guess you know yourself. If you’re not, there’s nothing to it.

    I interacted with such a person just yesterday and it really impressed me, taking charge of situations and dispatching them just as they arose. It was awesome, and I decided to share it all with you. I really hope it meets you well.


    Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

    N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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