13K steps and a grumpy wife. My Actifit Report Card: March 12 2024

in voilk •  4 months ago

    A bit of an unsettled day. Black clouds, blue skies, and a nice sunrise. Wet grounds from heavy rain which mercifully stopped so I could get in a walk.

    Go figure.

    Anyways... My day got interrupted a little bit because my son's car is in the shop. I told him that he would have to walk to school if his car died but it was raining so hard in the morning I had a bit of pity and drove him to school.

    After that the rain let up so I decided to take the moment and talk a walk around the park (without Nico..he was being a lazy dog at home).

    When I did get back home it was time for stretches, light weights, and walking Nico. He got a little different walk than usual.

    The walk was marred a little bit by road work near my house which made it a little tough to navigate but we made it through. After I returned home I made a couple of HIVE posts and my wife returned home early.

    And she grumbled and grumbled. She "audited" me on my time spent in the morning. Grumbled when I "didn't do anything productive". (sigh) can't win sometimes. Anyways after that it was time for a few errands, a little work on the computer, another walk with the dog in the late afternoon.

    Then it was time to call it a day.

    Overall now a bad way to get 13K steps.

    Thanks for dropping by.

    Until tomorrow

    Side note: Actifit was weird yesterday. It said it didn't post so I tried again. 4x it said it didn't post but it actually went through twice onto the blockchain.

    Sorry everyone.
    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io


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