My Forgotten card becomes the most Powerful Monster

in voilk •  4 days ago

    Good day splinterlands warriors, how are you doing today? This week's challenge is to use underrated or forgotten cards in a battle.
    Dhampir Stalker is one of the cards I always forget to use in battles. It is not because Dhampir Stalker is a ranged monster; infact, Dhampir Stalker hardly misses a target because of true strike ability. I just realized that Dhampir Stalker should be often used by me due to true strike ability.

    I even forgot that I had a monster called Dhampir Stalker because I don't use it in battles. Until when I saw this week splinterlands challenge Weekly Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge: Battles of the Forgotten Cards I was searching my cards collection, I realized that I have Dhampir Stalker.
    Since then I was waiting for the best ruleset to use the monster. When I had the opportunity to use Dhampir Stalker, I did not hesitate to use it.
    Dhampir Stalker is one of the best monsters for some players in splinterlands. I do come across Dhampir Stalker often in battle, but I don't just know why I don't use it often in battles.

    Why Do I Use Dhampir Stalker in this Battle?
    Weekly Challenge: I just want my post to be very unique, and I don't want to use my regular monsters, and that was the major reason I used the monster.

    The Rules of the battles: Melee monsters were not allowed in this battle which was my biggest challenge. If melee monsters were allowed, I wouldn't have used Dhampir Stalker because my mind would not have used it.

    The Counterspell rule: only two attacking monsters (magic and ranged monsters); we all know that when Counterspell is in the rule, the magic reflect returns 50% damage to the attacker; and that was the reason my opponent used ranged monsters. All his monsters were ranged monsters. But my opponent's first-four monsters had close range which allowed the monsters to attack in any position.

    Missing attack: It would have been a big opportunity to use Grim Reaper; I realized that Grim Reaper could easily miss the target which could result in defeat. So, it is very secure to use Dhampir Stalker in battles.
    I have lost many battles as a result of my monster missing the target; and I don't want such to happen to me in this battle.

    Battle rulesets
    Tis but Scratches
    All units have cripples (-1 to target's max health after each successful attack; it does not affect units with immunity.

    All units have magic reflect (returns 50% of magic damage to attacker, rounded up).

    Keep your Distance
    You cannot summon units with melee attacks.

    Click here to watch the battle

    Monsters Arrangement
    Splinter: Death
    Level: 4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Ability: Flying and Scavenger
    Speed: 4 ⚡⚡⚡⚡
    Health: 7 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    Attack: Magic
    Mana: 4 ♂️♂️♂️♂️
    A situation like this where Counterspell was included in the rule of the game, it is risky to use monsters with magic attack. One this I was sure about was that Riftwing would not be easily destroy in the battle. I knew that the flying ability would make some of the opponent monsters to miss the attack.
    Fortunately for me, Lava Launcher missed the target. Scavenger ability was another reason I used Riftwing monster but it was the first monster that was eliminated in this battle.

    Skok Duskblight
    Splinter: Death
    Level: 2 ⭐⭐
    Ability: Weapon Training
    Speed: 2 ⚡⚡
    Health: 7 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    Attack: Magic
    Mana: 8 ♂️♂️♂️♂️♂️♂️♂️♂️
    Skok Duskblight was very important in this battle because without the monsters, Riftwing and Will-o-Wisp would not have magic attack. The weapon training of Skok Duskblight gave magic attack to Will-o-Wisp and Riftwing.
    Molten Ash Golem was eliminated by Usut in round one which made the Usut increased stats as a result of Bloodlust ability. Molten Ash Golem was a first opponent monster that was eliminated.
    Skok Duskblight led the attack after the elimination of of Riftwing.

    Splinter: Death
    Level: 2⭐⭐
    Ability: Flying and Weaken
    Speed: 4
    Health: 10 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    “Attack*: Magic
    Mana: 6 ♂️♂️♂️♂️♂️♂️
    Will-o-Wisp was damaged due to magic reflection; I used the monsters in the third position so that Skok could gave its magic attack. There was no better position than third position in this battle. Placing this monster in the fourth position would have made this monster useless in this battle.
    At the second round of the battle, Skok Duskblight led the with only one health. The first attack eliminated Skok Duskblight.
    Will-o-Wisp led the battle after elimination of Skok Duskblight to round 3
    Usut eliminated Lava Launcher and the stats increased.

    Splinter: Death
    Level: 2 ⭐
    Ability*: Flying and Bloodlust
    Speed:1 ⚡
    Health: 9 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    Armor: 4 🪖🪖🪖🪖
    Attack: Magic
    Mana: 10 ♂️♂️♂️♂️♂️♂️♂️♂️♂️♂️
    I used Usut because of it ability, and it led the battle in the round 3 after elimination of Will-o-Wisp. One of the strategy was to use monsters that could attack in any position; that was the reason I used Riftwing, Skok Duskblight, Will-o-Wisp, and Usut. I used the remaing Damphir Stalker and Gobson Bomber as the last; it was because the last two monsters could not attack in first position.

    Dhampir Stalker
    Splinter: Death
    Level: 2⭐⭐
    Ability: Trues strike
    Speed: 3 ⚡⚡⚡
    Health: 5 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    Attack: Ranged
    Mana: 7 ♂️♂️♂️♂️♂️♂️♂️

    If there is monster that one could trust so much such rules are given, it is Dhampir Stalker. The true strike was absolutely incredible- you know is not going to miss the target because of the true strike.
    Dhampir Stalker was among the monsters that were not eliminated in this battle.
    Though, fifth position or sixth position is the best position for this monster- if I used it in fourth position, it could have led the lineup and would not be able to attack because of the range ability.

    Gobson Bomber
    Splinter: Neutral
    Level: 5⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Ability: Recharge and Camouflage
    Speed: 4 ⚡⚡⚡⚡
    Health: 5 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    Attack: Range
    Mana: 7

    I have so much believe that Gobson Bomber would be the last monster to destroy in my lineup; I knew the camouflage ability would not allow any opponent monsters to attack it untill it led the lineup.
    The recharge ability was another reason for me- one attack damaged 6 units. The massive attack of Gobson Bomber made the battle very fast. At round 4, I have eliminated all opponent monsters.

    In conclusion, every monster in splinterlands has the best rule it can deliver at ultmost performance. It is possible to underrate a specific card because of the abilities, health, armor or other reasons; I underrated Dhampir Stalker because it doesn't cross my mind whenever I wanted to select monsters in battles. Right now, Dhampir Stalker is one of the most trusted monsters during when Counterspell and keep your Distance is given.

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    The pictures in this post are taken from Splinterlands
    Credits to canva: cover photo created by canva.

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