Fal | holozing

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hello dear holozing community....
    I hope you all are well.
    Today some guests came to my house. They are our old neighbors, they also had two children who are twins, almost about 3 years old.
    When they saw me, they thought im her aunt. And started saying loudly khala (خالہ). And I was really surprised.
    And then their mother told me that their aunt is also like you, so they thought you are thier aunt. 😂
    You know that I don't have a sister, so I really like this word for hearing about myself.

    The two children are very cute and I brought them to my room to play together and gave them some dry fruits that I had hidden from my brother. And then I made cute videos and pictures of them.

    Because they were both twins, their clothes were also the same. When I looked carefully at their clothes, they both had a bird on their clothes. Its color was also brown which reminded me of fall in the holozing community. But thier beak was red.😒
    And the Fal has yellow beak.

    But it's ok for me because i don't understand what to make today and when I see the image like Fal on the babies shirt, I decided to make the Fal.

    And heres the original image of Fal:

    This is an attractive character in the holozing community. So let's start the procedure:


    First of all I start making the mouth of fal.
    With the help of my lead pencil on the blank white paper.

    In the second step i complete the sketch of fal. Its looking great by the way😂

    Now I outline with the black pointer and erase the pencil lines now it looks neat.

    Now I start coloring the body of fal. I started with the head region. Then further give the yellow color to the beak of fal. And then I color the eyes with black and green.

    After complete the coloring and adding some more details, I ends up my drawing.

    This is the final image.

    Now those two children were also standing to go with their mother but I asked their mother to bring them again. 🥰

    And thats all for today's post. See you guys in the next post.
    Till then Allah hafiz and happy winters 🥶

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