Hive Daily Mix - Trending - 2024-03-24

in voilk •  4 months ago

    The first AI powered recap of the best trending posts on PeakD and Hive, brought to you by the @peakd team :)

    March 24

    A Walk along Yukness Ledge - by @crypticat
    The post describes a hike along Yukness Ledge in the Canadian Rockies, part of the Alpine Circuit, offering stunning views and challenging terrain. The author shares their experience, mentioning the difficulty level, wildlife sightings, and restrictions on visiting the area.

    What is a Wiki, and why does Hive need one of its own? - by @pharesim
    The post discusses the importance of having a dedicated Wiki for the Hive platform, explaining what a wiki is, how Hive can utilize it, the type of content it could host, and the call for collaborators to help build and maintain the wiki.

    Back To Black And White Portraits - by @erikah
    A collection of black and white portraits capturing the essence of simplicity and happiness in everyday life

    A year of transition - small trips and moving to Iceland. - by @astinmin
    Original language: English, Polish
    The post shares the author's experiences of moving to Iceland and taking small trips to various places like Corfu, Malmö, Copenhagen, Polish mountains, and more.

    #ThoughtfulDailyPost - Inner Voices & The Answer - by @zekepickleman
    The post discusses inner voices, self-reflection, and finding answers to life's questions through thoughtful dialogue and introspection.

    What I loved best was meeting you (TCSP #57) - by @honeydue
    Exploring the joys of going out for coffee compared to making it at home, highlighting the experience of meeting loved ones over a cup of coffee.

    There Was More To Tiny Town Than Meets The Eyes! - by @technicalside
    The post explores the hidden gems of a tiny town, showcasing various aspects of the community and its unique features.

    Daily Blog - Doing what needs to be done on a high mountain day: snowmen on the trail. / Haciendo lo que hay que hacer en un día de alta montaña: los muñecos de nieve del camino. 😃❤️ - by @lauramica
    Original language: English, Spanish
    The post narrates a personal experience of enjoying snow and making snowmen on a high mountain day, reflecting on life and gratitude towards Hive community.

    Hohenzollern Bridge and KölnTriangle, Cologne, Germany - by @livinguktaiwan
    Exploration of the Hohenzollern Bridge and KölnTriangle in Cologne, Germany, focusing on the architecture, love locks, and observation deck views.

    Hong Kong Travel: a Surprise Birthday Gift - by @thestrollingmind
    The author shares a surprise birthday gift trip to Hong Kong, reflecting on the journey of rekindling a relationship with their ex and offering travel tips for future visitors.

    Floating aimlessly at Lake Como, Italy - by @blind-spot
    The post describes a day spent at Lake Como in Italy, exploring the lake on a ferry and enjoying the scenic views and local food.

    Power Law - by @edicted
    The post discusses the Power Law and Doubling Curve models in relation to Bitcoin price predictions, as well as concepts like S-Curve, Supercycle, and Hyperbitcoinization.

    死马当活马医,医了半天,马竟然活了 - by @oflyhigh
    Original language: Chinese
    The post describes the challenges faced while upgrading a WordPress site on a server, encountering PHP compatibility issues, and resolving them through various troubleshooting methods.

    Data on Bitcoin Mining | Hash Rate, Mining by Pools and Country | March 2024 - by @dalz
    Overview of Bitcoin mining data including hash rate, mining pools, miners' revenue, mining by country, and hash rate vs. price correlation.

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