in voilk •  3 months ago
    The joy that comes with communing with family is indescribable. Today I will be taking us back to 2018, that was the last time I spent time with every member of my family. Though we have seen each other after the Easter week of that year, but we have not been together all at once after then. Journey with me then as I shear that memorable moments with you guys.


    When we (I and siblings) were younger, we had a custom of travelling to the village every Christmas for Holiday. As we grew up, things gradually began to change. At some point there came reasons for us to go our separate ways. As at that particular Easter holiday, I was at Ibadan. Ibadan is a city located in the western region of Nigeria, and that is were I had my college education. My elder Tochukwu was also a student as at that time, he was schooling in Federal Politechnic Oko Anambra State. My sister on the other hand was schooling in University of Port Harcourt. Apart from my two younger brothers who were with my parents in Port Harcourt, every other member of the family were away from home. But just like we had planned every of us must find themselve home for that particular Easter Holiday.

    My elder brother Tochukwu schooled very close to the village, so coming back was never a problem. I on the other hand lived in an entirely different region, as a matter of fact, I had to travel for about 8 to 9 hours before getting to the village. Every other member of my family came from Port Harcourt City where we all grew up. While my sister came from University of Port Harcourt, my parents and my two other younger siblings came from our home in Port Harcourt. It was a long journey but we all arrived home safely.



    Being together after a period of about two years was something special, we were happy to not just see each other but to be together once again. Since my father happens to be the only son of his parents, we never had any cousins around, it was just us (My parents, my siblings and my aunty). Of course there was so much to eat as my father will never allow his children go hungry in his own house. Somehow the Easter celebration was like Christmas for us, we had all of the vibes that comes along with Christmas celebration. It was for me the most interesting ever.

    I have never been good with documentation, so I practically had no picture from that year Easter celebration. Since I wanted to write about the Easter celebration of that very year and the beautiful memories that came alongside it, I reach out to my sister (Nonye). Funny enough the only pictures she have got from that year's Easter celebration was our time in my father's Oil Palm farm. The Oil Palm farm is being managed by my father's elder sister (my auntie) while my father manages his business in Port Harcourt as at that time. On that faithful day, we all (I and my siblings) decided to go do whatever we can in the farm, our aim was just to help out in what ever way we can. I am not certain we archived our aim on that very day, but we certainly had fun😄.

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