Dolphin intelligent being / watercolor 🐬🐬🐬

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Maui delfini su najmanja vrsta delfina, dugački su oko 1,2 metra i teški oko 40 kg. Najveća vrsta su orce, ili kitovi ubice (da, oni su tehnički delfini), a mužjaci ove vrste obično narastu oko 6-8 metara i često su teški više od 6 tona.

    Maui dolphins are the smallest species of dolphin, they are about 1.2 meters long and weigh about 40 kg. The largest species are orcas, or killer whales (yes, they are technically dolphins), and males of this species usually grow to around 6-8 meters and often weigh more than 6 tons.


    Većina delfina ima dugačak životni vijek. Najpoznatija vrsta, Tursiops (Bottlenose), ima prosječan životni vijek od 40 godina, dok orce ponekad dožive i 80-tu godinu.

    Most dolphins have a long lifespan. The most famous species, Tursiops (Bottlenose), has an average lifespan of 40 years, while orcas sometimes live to be 80 years old.


    Delfini ne mogu disati automatski. Zbog toga, kada spavaju jedna polovina mozga im je budna, dok se druga odmara, pa se onda druga probudi, a prva zaspe. Delfini provedu oko 8 sati dnevno u ovom stanju, a ono im omogućuje da budu dovoljno svjesni da kontrolišu disanje i povremeno isplivaju na površinu kako bi uzeli vazduh.

    Dolphins cannot breathe automatically. Therefore, when they sleep, one half of their brain is awake, while the other half rests, and then the other half wakes up, and the first half falls asleep. Dolphins spend about 8 hours a day in this state, and it allows them to be conscious enough to control their breathing and occasionally surface for air.


    Delfini imaju sposobnost prepoznavanja, pamćenja i rješavanja problema, što ih čini jednim od najinteligentnijih bića na planeti.

    Dolphins have the ability to recognize, remember and solve problems, which makes them one of the most intelligent creatures on the planet.


    Zabeleženi su brojni slučajevi o tome kako delfini pomažu jedni drugima u nevolji. Pomažu starijima u skupini, a takođe mogu napraviti i ‘splav’ od svojih tijela i tako nositi bolesne ili povrijeđene.

    There are numerous recorded cases of dolphins helping each other in times of need. They help the elders in the group, and they can also make a 'raft' out of their bodies to carry the sick or injured.


    Nedavna istraživanja pokazuju da delfini imaju svoja imena, te da mogu pozvati jedni druge ‘po imenu’ (svaki odgovara na različit zvižduk).

    Recent research shows that dolphins have their own names, and that they can call each other 'by name' (each responds to a different whistle).




    Jedan od glavnih uzroka smrti među delfinima u zatočeništvu je samoubistvo. Oni mogu počiniti samoubistvo na više načina, a najčešći su odbijanje da jedu ili ‘lupanje’ glavom od zidove bazena.
    Dragi hajveri, nadam se da vas je i danas zabavila moja slika delfina kao i tekst o njemu.🥰
    Pozdrav i prijatan dan! ☀️🐬

    One of the leading causes of death among dolphins in captivity is suicide. They can commit suicide in several ways, the most common of which are refusing to eat or 'banging' their head against the walls of the pool.
    Dear Hajveri, I hope that my picture of a dolphin as well as the text about it amused you today
    Greetings and have a nice day! ☀️🐬

    Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

    Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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