Sweets and Bitterness

in voilk •  4 months ago

    photo_2024-03-22_19-45-52 (3).jpg

    I cannot think clearly on an empty stomach. I know some people say that they are very productive when they're half full or even starving, but not me. I was born under the LEO sign, and in order to function properly in the world, I need plenty of food. I sometimes overeat, like this evening, for example...

    I've been on the road quite a lot lately, and it wasn't necessarily because I wanted to, but rather because I had to. You see, I like "leg day," I really do, although some of my gym bros don't, but my knees often feel the pain after a proper leg day, so I had to do something about that.

    I've tried all sorts of supplements over the years, but thus far, no improvement, so I had to start looking for some knee protectors. I found something on the internet, but they were out of stock, so I drove to a sports shop close to my town and bought some.

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    My attention span over there could have been compared to a dog's in a park full of other dogs because when I got home, I realized that the protectors I bought did not come in pairs, so I had to go back and buy another set...

    The evening came, and it was time for dinner, so I stopped and had some really juicy beef steak at a really nice restaurant. Despite wishing for so long to quit sugar, I still could not restrain myself from taking some chocolate cake as dessert. I swear I will be more serious about my cravings in the future, I really will...

    You see, the problem with sweets is that they have a lot of calories, and if you try to be fit, you need to keep these calories under control or at least make sure that you are getting high-quality calories... I had to somehow burn these extra calories, and power walking is one of my favorite ways of doing that.

    I had such a walk to the park and back home, and while there, I snapped a couple of pics that are telling spring is really starting to claim its territory. The lawn is greener and greener in this park, and all the trees are showing off their beautiful flowers.

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    I loved the sunset on the way back, though... I am a huge fan of sunsets, and I could not hold myself back from snapping a pic with this one... Luckily, the road was pretty clear, and I could do that safely.

    A bloody event happened today in Russia where four gunmen entered a mall, killed 40 people at a concert hall, and set the mall on fire. In the morning, footage surfaced on my timeline with some Gaza civilians literally getting bombed by a drone.

    A few good years ago, I could not have imagined the year 2024 would be so damn bloody. We were supposed to evolve as a species, and I was somehow hoping technology would push us more into fighting virtual wars instead of real ones, but in reality, technology seems to be making killing even more at hand for some of the powers in charge.

    My gut feeling tells me the ones involved in the bloody event this evening near Moscow are Ukrainians, and this will probably push the war into escalation. I also believe the elites will use such violent happenings to gain even more control over us through all sorts of tracking technology.

    The chocolate cake was sweet, but the whole world seems so bitter lately... Maybe tomorrow will be better, maybe the violence we are currently witnessing will come to a sunset in the not so distant future. I hope everyone is having a great day, and see you all tomorrow.

    Thanks for your attention,

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