Lane Cove NP good for mushrooms only : June 28 2024

in voilk •  9 days ago

    Another still blue sky day. Need to move my car out of the garage to my own garage. Chose to drive down to Lane Cove NP to look for maroonhood orchids in known location

    Parked up to walk to known spot for those maroonhoods down Rudder Creek. Not happy with what came next

    Track had been smashed by fire trail work - cut down to the ground - any chance of orchids surviving is low in their flowering time

    Cannot believe they choose to do the track work right in flowering time - I know of only two colonies of this orchid in the area.

    Turning into a mushroom day - these on a tree stump

    Between the track work and the hazard reduction game bush looks like a moonscape

    Mushrooms were doing better after the burn - orange

    Curled up shapes

    Did find a few orchid leaves in the burned bits - bonnet orchids with burgundy backs

    Moulded mushroom form

    Ochre form right in the track

    Drop down to the creek with its noce reflections

    Did find an acianthus orchid finished flowering. This track is not the best for orchids - houses too close above and river too close below

    Two tone mushrooms with a tinge of crimson purple

    Budding greenhood looking a bit dried out

    A quite different mushroom - almost like a puffer mushroom

    Gunmetal grey model

    And also in steely grey on the way back

    A colony of chiloglottis orchid leaves in a known spot on the way back - flowing over a rock. Would love to see this big colony flowering. No idea what they are but the slightly edged leaves seem the same as the ones on our local track. At least I will see them when they open

    A mushroom lurking in the chiloglottis leaves

    The track I was on us part of Great North Walk. I can tell you that when I do that walk I will start further north. This segment close to the city is poor for orchids. Track joins up with Gloucester fire trail - also had work done.

    NSW coral heath flower survived the work

    Walked the streets the 3 kms back to the car rather than walk the Rudder Creek mess. The whole walk had also been punctuated by the sound of building work from Macquarie Park - just over the Lane Cove River

    Walk back was along a wide verge area - best walk that edge in case there are orchids. Found a few greenhood colonies

    Pea flowers too - had not seen any in the bush sections.

    Disappointing walk which reinforces my challenges of where we live. The nearest NP is Lane Cove and its walk have been overcrowded to the detriment of the orchids. And it is hard for me to cycle to where I used to walk

    Dinner: Honey soy chicken BBQ from a new cook book I got for my birthday

    Trade action: Added to small scale Canadian uranium stocks plus Paladin - CVV.V and PUR.V and PDN.AX. Australia and Canada have June 30 financial year end. There is selling ahead of that which makes a good time for long haul buyers
    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Daily Activity, House Chores, Photowalking

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