Anger In The Heart, How Do We Get Rid of It? MCGI Review

in voilk •  3 months ago
    Greetings Brothers and Sisters Of Christ, another wonderful day God gave to us and we should be very thankful for another day He gave to us here on Earth. Today, as connected with the topic here in the community and this is all about Anger we felt here in our Heart. All of us has already experienced Anger and hate to other people and we can't avoid to have this kind of feelings and situations. When our Heart filled with Anger and Hates, ourselves will not be calm and peaceful of living, and this should be happen to ourselves. As a connected with the interesting topic here in the community, I will share my Simple explanations regarding with the topics.


    This video shows about how we get rid our Angers to other people through Gods teachings. Anger is not really important and it only makes us stress and depress. Jesus teach us to love one another, not only for other people but most of all to our Parents. If we do this wonderful steps towards love and forgiveness, surely we can gain a good results just like having a peaceful mind and good way of living. It is very wonderful that we have many friends everywhere, many people will ready to help us in times in our needs. We can approached other people and most of all God will be very happy and pleased about it.


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    As the Scriptures says that if we forgive other people, God will be very happy and pleased and He will also forgive us for our Sins. All of us committed sins because of the temptations brought by Devil. This can make God becomes Mad and Angry but because of His full of love for us, He will ready to accept our forgiveness and to live a new life together with God as His Followers. It is also a vice versa about unaccepting others forgiveness, God will not be pleased and He will not also forgive us. If God can do forgive Sins even if He is God, and so we did because we are only ordinary Humans or people who lives here on Earth. We can't predicted the time when we will gone and vanish.






    Anger and Hate are not only in other people but also inside of our Family. Most of us suffers a Family problem and most of it was already lead to broke up and the most affected of this are the children. As many years has past, those children will grow into an Adult and having a right age ready to balance the situations. My point is this, if our Parents committed sins and they want us to forgive them, accept it with all our Heart. They want to forgive or apologize for what they have done and they already repent. It is not really easy to forgive other people because of the heartaches we experienced but this is the way in order for us to live happily and peacefully.


    My brothers and sister of God, forgive sins and getting rid of the angers here in Heart is very important. This shows that we are Gods children and followers of his Footsteps towards everlasting life. We can't do forgive other people and we can't get rid our Angers here in our heart if we don't do prayer. We must pray and ask God the Guidance and to have a soft and kind hearted, do our best to get rid of the hate and anger in our Heart and live a new together with God.

    Thank you for visiting and reading my post, Godbless everyone.

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