Saturday Savers Club / week 8 - Moving steadily forward

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Greetings to all those hard-working savers!

    I am once again here to share my weekly report. We have been progressing with few rewards but this gives us the opportunity to do two things, first to save, to meet the goals set and secondly to invest in the platform, the road has not been very easy, however, I am noticing how the commitment to saving is strengthened and becomes a habit, because no matter the temptations to buy or spend money that arise, always the first option is to save.

    Image taken from @eddie-earner publication and edited in Paint

    In this way we have continued to move forward with our sights set on achieving the goals set, seeing how my savings and the account in general are growing is very satisfying and makes me continue dreaming of great things in the future. My plan is to make some savings, logically use a part of it at the end of the year and make some investment in the platform, in addition to resume the challenges I have been facing this year.

    So thank you community, you help me a lot.

    This is my weekly report....

    Well friends we continue our progress without many setbacks, unlike last week this week if I had some rewards to claim, this helped me to continue my progress towards my main goal and the secondary.

    This week according to HiveStats my rewards were: 8.04 HP and 3.07 HBD, not crazy rewards but we continue to advance and grow consistently.


    Superar los 400 HP es un aliciente una motivación extra que me dice que se puede, esto me ayuda a mantener el ritmo y no bajar los brazos ante cualquier dificultad que tenga que enfrentar, esto me hace pensar que mi objetivo secundario estará llegando antes de finales de año, lo que me hará plantear un objetivo mayor para el año siguiente.


    In relation to my main goal I must say that it continues to march according to the challenge, probably because my main focus is on it, with this goal I hope to reach it in the time stipulated by the challenge 365 days, so I do not rush I just want to keep the constancy.

    Overcoming the 36 HBD is something very important and motivating for me, the habit is strengthened and the investment plans also appear as something to which I will aim as long as I reach my goals.


    Daily and weekly monitoring of progress towards my goals.


    It is said that green is the color of hope, well in a certain way this image and these challenges constitute a hope for this family, logically believing in the direction that the Lord gives us.

    Control semanal.png

    Friends, according to the weekly control image it says that we have passed week number twelve, this indicates that we have saved for more than 80 days, up to the day of this publication 85 days exactly, and our savings should be up to week number twelve 34.86 HBD, however, we have 36.093 HBD, this is due to two reasons, firstly I am writing a couple of days after the week has expired and secondly the interest I have claimed on two occasions.

    Summary of the weekly progress

    HIVE POWER333.1996008.44405.04411.97%

    This has been my weekly report for the Saturday Savers Club, to all the members of this great community thank you for the motivation and inspiration you provide to keep moving forward focused on achieving my goals.

    We have been making some adjustments and next week I plan to be posting before Monday, unless Sunday until I go back to Saturdays as the day I present this weekly report.

    Banner taken from the original publication by @eddie-earner

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