Weekend engagement topics, week 194: The three most important elements of my life

in voilk •  4 months ago


    When I read the question elements I hesitated a bit on how to approach the answer, because it could be values, people or things, but I decided to go for some material as well as immaterial aspects, these are: my family, my education and eating well.

    My family

    For me as a person one of the most important elements of my life is my family, since I was a child I have always valued very much spending quality time with my family even though for other people this may be boring because they are quite old, for me it is the opposite, there is nothing I love more than spending the afternoon with my uncles listening to stories or doing the "debriefing" of the day having coffee with my parents after dinner. I must also say that for me family is not just blood ties, but all those friends and even work colleagues who have been there for me and have become a support system, they all form a very important element in my life, which would not be the same if they were not here.

    With my parents

    Enjoying a sangria with my besties

    My education

    In general, I consider that education in any of its forms, both formal and informal, is a fundamental element in the life of a person, as we are more educated we become more open-minded, more tolerant, more interesting, we can do more things and in addition to that, education is something that no one can ever take away from us, money and goods come and go, but what is in your head from the most stupid thing like learning to add up to the most complicated thing like what you learned in a master is yours and it will always be there, no one can take it away from you. Also, in this sense, I want to emphasize that I love learning and I am very very curious, I am always studying something or doing something to enrich my mind.

    The day we graduated, in 2019

    Partying because we finished law school

    Eating well

    Let's say this is the most banal element of this post, but I simply love to eat well, and no, I don't just mean fancy, restaurant food, but little things that for me are delicious and that are an exercise in self-care, like my morning coffee or a brownie from my favourite bakery, those small meals that make you sigh and that make you feel that life is something beautiful. I should also include here that I love to cook especially for the people around me as a token of affection.
    So, these are the three elements of my life that I consider most important, thank you for making it this far!


    I treat myself to Bubble tea preatty often

    All the images belong to me.
    The cover was made using In Collage app

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