A meetup with a Militech Agent and some weird glitches.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    The thumbnail was created in Canva.

    I was at Konpeki Plaza in the braindance attempting to get some information from Konpeki Plaza and Judy, the prettiest lady in this game was operating the program when Evelyn was there as well. The last time I stopped playing was when I was in the braindance, and the task seemed confusing so I quit the game that day. Now it's time I solve it and then I met with a Militech agent in Corpo.

    The first thing I noticed after coming out of the braindance was this pretty face of Judy. I did all the things that needed to be done in the braindance and after coming to realism, Judy took off the device set to my head.

    After a little conversation, it was time to leave Judy behind and Evelyn was calling me to another side as she had something to talk about, I was looking at Judy for the last time and I hope this is not our last meet. Man, I'm getting emotional, but the lady didn't even look at me with a smile when I was staring at her.

    Now Evelyn was asking me to do this job for her alone not having to split the payout with anyone. She was asking me to ditch Dex. She even offered me 50% but I didn't agree on the spot, I asked for time to think about it and then she opened the door and asked me to leave the workshop alone as she needed to have a few words with Judy.

    Coming out of the workshop and out of Lizzie's Bar, I noticed that cool white car that I wished to hijack. Still, it looked like I was not ready to hijack such or some special vehicles yet so I started riding my car somewhere to meet a Militech Agent. However, this was optional as my compulsory objective was meeting Jackie.

    When I was riding around, I noticed this police scene by the road and I stopped there to see what happened. It looked like a car accident and there was NCPD to investigate the scene. I was surprised to see that NPC chilling in the police scene when the police were doing their work.

    I kept riding my racing car, btw, I explored it later and I have two cars in my inventory and one of them was a racing car with a good speed and that's what I was riding now in the night city and then into the tunnel.

    I found some people were waiting there for somebody and I knew they were waiting for me as my V called a Miditech agent over the phone to meet him.

    When I went close the the lady in the lead, she raised her hand to do a handshake with me and when I was about to do the same, she pushed me on the ground.

    It looked like a setup and it also looked like the lady didn't trust me on the phone but still came there to see me cause she was thinking that I was involved in something with another man that they brought there.

    Now I was at the gunpoint and the lady started asking me questions, serious ones. She was asking me how I knew that man they held captive and my V said he never saw him. With some information, I convinced the lady to trust me that I went there to help and also to get help for me.

    My V gave her information about a group of smugglers and said he could lead them (the Militech) to them (the smugglers) if my V got money. After getting convinced, the lady gave my V a chip and asked me to use it for the trade for whatever I was going to buy from them.

    Giving me the chip, they were leaving me behind.

    But I jumped on their car and I was chilling there when they were driving it. I was even shooting on the car to see what happens but they just kept driving.

    I wished to see where they went but when we reached this place, I was thrown away cause I didn't have access to the outside area and the car was going alone.

    A moment later, I noticed these glitches at that place when some other vehicles were going that side and stuck there. The Militech car was also kind of stuck there cause it kept coming back when it was trying to get away.

    Those cars were like in the air. I even checked going down there as you can see above. When I was crouching below the car, I was even going inside them from there. I heard a lot about the glitches of this game and now I'm witnessing them myself.

    I was returning and noticed these homeless poor guys lying beside the road. They look like dead bodies but they were actually sleeping there. So, there'll be homeless people in the future as well, lol. And even these homeless dudes had goggles with them.

    I was passing by that police scene that I noticed before and the investigation was still ongoing. @menzo asked me in a post if I could steal and drive a police car but I never tried. So, I tried this time and it looked like I could steal and drive this car.

    I stole the police car which is true but I couldn't hold onto it for long as the police petrol kept chasing me and they were not just giving up like the police do in any GTA. Success is harder to defend than to achieve in real life, and a police car is harder to keep than to steal in Cyberpunk, lol.

    ** The End **

    "Be Good, Think Good and Do Good"

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