Weather Is Love

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Today, it's very pleasant outside. Air is steadily flowing over heads and ears are getting sensitive in this weather. But, it's not harsh weather.

    From yesterday, we have observed mild shift in weather condition. In previous days there was fog around us and fog was blocking the sight view. But, now it's changing. Last night, it rained but it was delicate rain. It's a sign of coming spring time.

    I know gardens are waiting anxiously for spring to come when everything will turn green and flowers will bloom. Every flower will feel young and give fresh and new look to visitors of garden.

    This time, cool breeze is the reason for everyone smile. But, not everyone is happy in this weather condition. Some are feeling happy, some are disturbed and sitting in blanket, few are despondent and walking with heavy coats.

    I am enjoying and loving the weather. It's the weather worthy to love. This weather is not good for children and kids as it will cause them complications. Shifting weather time is tricky but adults can cope up in this condition.

    I went out and my eyes were focused on blue sky. There was moon which was reflecting in my eyes. Clouds were on leave and there were no sign of clouds. Just cool air was striking my ears.

    When I stepped out of home, I saw people are enjoying wedding ceremony. Yes, a wedding ceremony as there is a wedding hall which is close to my home. Things were working normally. It's a normal thing that in ceremonies people don't really care about weather condition and they just think about fashion. So, they remain focused on their dressing.

    I headed to lush, fresh and green fields where gapping silence was sitting. Muhammad, who is my youngest cousin, was along with me. I captured some pictures just to capture the beauty of charming weather.

    On ground there is green beauty and on sky there is blue color spread all over. Well, trees, plants and weeds are still waiting for sun of spring to come so that they all can take a fresh bath of beauty. Spring is the time of youth when park will be filled with natural floral beauty and admirers will walk towards park.

    Muhammad was observing every color of nature with child like curiosity. He was quietly seeing all these things but cool weather was somehow disturbing him and he was sneezing. I just thought to go back home because it's not suitable to stand there for long time.

    Activities in this cool breeze weather

    In this weather, activities are pretty much normal. Life is easy going. When weather turns to cool we all sit inside and when weather start becoming pleasant we move outside. So, this cycle of moving in and out is common.
    Well, this is time of oranges. When we go to the market we mostly see oranges in the fruit shops. Also it is very common fruit in this time. So, we enjoy having oranges. Along with oranges there are other many kind of oranges which are famous.

    From almost one month I am having oranges on daily basis. I can say that orange is fabric of daily life and we are enjoying it. I am taking Vitamin C from oranges and Vitamin D from Sun. We are having vegetables like cabbage, peas, mustard, turnip and other related vegetables in this season and soon we will shift to vegetables of summer season.

    Watching television is not dependent on weather condition. With the passage of time television tradition is fading away as most of generation is indulge into smart phones. But, it's good to sit in cozy area and watch television. I enjoy watching television along with my siblings.

    Climate changed

    Climate Changed isn't a hidden thing from anyone as it's hot topic and under discussion in every kind of discourse. Pakistan is a country which is much affected by climate change, although contribution in climate change is not much but this country is getting so much affect of it.

    From last year there is sudden shift in climate and air index is speedily going down. These all things are effecting human life and becoming question mark on the health of our planet too. Last year, there was number of floods all over the world, sea level is rising, heat index is hiking up and these all things are messing up our lives. The struggle to live in shinny lifestyle we have forgotten our normal standards of living.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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