The Passage of Time: Reflections on Childhood, Adulthood, and Parenthood

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello there, fellow Hivers. It's me, @supremooo, returning once more for more interesting content.

    As we grow older and time passes, we cannot help but reminisce about events in the past few years. As we age, we increasingly feel the weight of the world's responsibilities.

    Every time I spend time bonding with my child, I can't help but feel envious of their innocence and obliviousness to the vastness of the world. I may not intend to, but sometimes I can't help but feel envious of my child or other children who do whatever they want freely without any worries and enjoy the freedom from the demanding responsibilities faced by adults today.
    They have the freedom to do as they please, such as sleeping for extended periods, which I now find challenging, and playing without the need to consider household tasks and being free from worries, something I've realized almost all people my age yearn for.
    It brings back memories of my childhood. I recall being quite mischievous back then. I'd sneak out sometimes to visit our neighbors' houses just to watch TV shows since we didn't have one at home. I miss the times when our whole family used to go out together whenever our older siblings came home from the city.
    Last outing with my family

    Nowadays, it's tough to plan such outings due to various considerations, including financial readiness for the expenses involved. Then you also have to see if you still have time to spare for that trip, as managing your time becomes incredibly challenging in the adulting stage, in a situation where you already have a multitude of responsibilities that need to be fulfilled.

    In the past, I thought life was easy, often wishing to fast-forward to when I was a child and hoping to wake up as an adult to have more freedom and do things I couldn't do as a kid. Now, it seems like I regret wishing to grow up quickly, as it's tough when you reach the right age where you seem to carry the burden of the world with so many responsibilities to fulfill.

    What message would you like to convey to your younger self?

    I just want to tell my younger self that my childhood was joyful due to your playful nature, which I now deeply miss. I long for the days when I could freely run across vast fields and spend hours playing under the heat of the sun and, afterward, head home completely covered in sweat and smelling like the sun all over my body.

    I miss the times when I could splash around in the rain with my siblings, carefree and without worries. Even during those days when I hid from my mother and father to avoid punishment for the things that I did that they didn't approve of.

    I wish you had been more diligent and behaved better when you were still studying, because graduating on time is crucial. But it's okay; at least you have enjoyed and made the most of that time, which I now miss terribly.

    I wish you had more faith in yourself because you were capable of doing the things you desired, but you didn't believe in yourself since your shyness held you back. Still, it's okay; you found people who accepted you and were ready to support you in all your adventures.

    Lastly, I wanted to say I'm proud of you because you never gave up on life. Even on the days when you stumbled multiple times and silently cried, when it seemed like there was no hope, you still didn't give up.

    What message would you like to convey to your older self?
    For myself right now , let's continue to face life's challenges. Stay strong and resilient because we must not give up, as there are still people who need us. Despite the many trials we will still encounter, I know we can overcome them because I believe that our Lord wouldn't give us problems if He knew we couldn't handle them. Let's stand firm and and face the challenges of life with our heads held high. I trust in your capability, and you have a strong support system behind you. So, keep pushing forward!
    What would you like to say to your child?

    For my child , I just want to tell him not to rush time and aspire to grow up quickly, but rather to enjoy being who he is now. Being a child is so wonderful and nostalgic; almost everyone my age now probably dreams of going back to when we were kids. Life gets tough when you reach the right age; facing responsibilities can be challenging, but don't worry; no matter what happens, your mother and I are here to guide you and accompany you as you grow up. So, don't fret; enjoy your youth because, as you grow older, you'll truly long for those memories.

    Just always remember that you're valued by us, your mother, and the people around you. Don't be afraid to make mistakes because no one is perfect, but through those mistakes, you will learn and become stronger. What matters is that you learn from your mistakes.

    I hope you never doubt your abilities, because your mother and I accept you for who you are capable of being. We have been proud of you from the moment we first laid eyes on you in this world. Please always take care of yourself and have faith in your abilities. You are special, and you are our child. That's why we love you very much.

    “Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.” — Bil Keane
    Here ends my content for today. Thank you very much for spending your time.
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