Ryoma's and Leo's Courageous Virility

in voilk •  4 months ago

    This "What if Person became Friends" meme originally belongs to MagicalKeyPizzaDan and is dedicated to everybody who finds the idea of Ryoma and Leo being great friends, genuine brothers from other mothers, and honorable warriors grand. Sit back, relax, and revel in Leo's and Ryoma's exceptionally honorable brotherhood and comradeship who combine fierce combat prowess with boundless integrity and abundant bravery.

    Leo is a Red Ranger who radiates selfless integrity, insurmountable honor, and unparalleled morality which bolster his mighty courage when it comes to protecting his friends, comrades, and family from harm and fighting against evil forces. These are the attributes that only made him a worthy addition to "Forever Red" but are also the attributes that Ryoma aspires to be. As a martial artist specializing in various forms of combat, Ryoma loves to challenge himself. Thus, he has found a worthy comrade, sparring partner, and big brother from another mother in Leo. Ryoma additionally earns Leo's respect in terms of his commendable courage, fierce fighting spirit, and dignified integrity that puts even the highest-ranking samurai to shame. What Leo sees in Ryoma is a courageous leader and an upstanding fighter who never plays dirty and always lives a life of strong moral codes. In turn, Ryoma desires to be as formidably courageous as Leo is, for he possesses the lion's regal strength. These formidable warrior kings would possess an unbreakable bond rife with trust, allegiance, and brotherly love.

    Leo's and Ryoma's brotherly virile bond demonstrates that they share so much in common. Their physical strength, indestructible stamina, and leonine courage radiate in every sparring session they find themselves in. From Karate to Kenpo to Judo to Jujitsu, they have built each other's combat prowess in an astoundingly astronomical manner in their tenure as warriors and as truly strong men. Overlooking their fighting prowess and their need to grow as warriors, both Leo and Ryoma also care about their comrades and families. Leo would never stop singing the praises he has for his older brother, Mike, because he aspires to be as courageous and mighty as he is. In return, Ryoma would look up to Leo as his older brother because he is unafraid to cut his own path in life as a heroic Red Ranger who risks his life to save his comrades, friends, and family. This leads both Leo and Ryoma to not only affirm each other as brothers for life but also ensure that they take care of each other for the duration. Furthermore, Mike would express how happy he is to see Leo and Ryoma have a strong bond as best friends.

    I hope you all enjoyed this, and I will see you in the next submission. Take care, stay safe, and may the power protect you, everybody.

    Ryoma Sakamoto from Shura no Toki belongs to Masatoshi Kawahara, Shin Misawa, Media Factory, and Studio Comet.
    Ryoma's and Leo's Courageous Virility.png

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