Past and present obsessions

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Past and present obsessions.png

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    Past and future, it is impressive how with the passing of time our interest and even obsessions can change. What used to interest me and drive me crazy now doesn't, or I see it from a different point of view, and others that didn't matter so much to me now do.


    Now, when I was about 35 or more, I was dying to wear my fingernails and toenails always well groomed and painted to go to work. I have always believed that it is important how a lady's hands look and more so at that time in my life.

    A few years ago I was one of the attorneys representing the institute before the records for the signatures for granting loans, which led me to travel around the country, this meant that my hands were in sight of people many days a week and therefore at that time I gave much, much importance to their appearance.


    Nowadays, sometimes I don't even paint my nails for lack of time, but at least I try to make sure they always look clean and have an aesthetic length, since there comes a time when even I start to get in the way because they are too long.

    As for what obsesses me today is the order and cleanliness at home, especially in the living room and bathroom of my home, the reason is that I internalized and understood several things, first that how my house looks as simple as it may be, says a lot about me and secondly that for everything to flow better in my home there must be order and cleanliness to avoid things like stress, depression and lack of concentration.


    For as long as I can remember, I have always been tidy with my spaces, but when you live with many people it is complicated to maintain order because each head is different, but for some years now I try that everyone has their things and common use things where they should, the disorder affects because seeing all that mess can make you stress when you lose something, the disorder depresses, having a visual field full of messy things affects our concentration, we lose focus of our work.



    Now, as for the bathroom, I think it is not nice for anyone to go to the bathroom of your own home and it looks like the bathroom of a restaurant, the floor is dirty, the toilet is wet, dirty, splashed or worse, it is nice to see a clean bathroom and above all that does not stink.

    Because of all this, I have spent time teaching or perhaps programming the three men who live with me to do at least the basics after using the bathroom, flush the toilet, aim well and dry the floor after showering.

    In short, those were and are my obsessions at present. I bid farewell to my participation in Weekend-Engagement # 191.


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