Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge: Equalizer

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Designed by canva

    Hello splinterlands warriors, how are you doing today? ❣️

    The previous season that ended days ago was not so good to me because there was nothing significant I won. At the end of season I got 15 season chest; a few hours after the season ended, I opened the season chest, there was no significant reward I won. The highest reward I won was 2 Splinterhash, the rest of the rewards were common cards and Splinterhash.
    It is another time to share splinterlands battle. Yesterday, I wanted to make a splinterlands post but I was carried away by the hiveleaeners post.

    The Equalizer rule is one of the sweetest rules in splinterlands. This is the reason I love to use the best monsters that suit the battle. There was a time that I was given an equalizer, opportunity, Up close and personal Rules. I understood the best monsters to use; I used three opportunity monsters, two monsters with shield 🛡️ ability (Dumacke Orc and Living Lava) and Molten Ogre. Dumacke Orc was in first position while Living Lava was in the last position.
    By the time my opponent came with his line up: he used more sneak monsters than any other monsters. It was too hard for his monsters to eliminate Living Lava. With 3 opportunity monsters I used, all my monsters were attacking in the first position. With the use of a Bloodlust monster, I eliminated my opponent's monster in the first position. The moment I eliminated monsters in the first position, it was easy for me to eliminate the rest of his monsters. Before my opponent could eliminate Living Lava, I had already eliminated three of his monsters. That was how I won the battle.
    Therefore, no matter the battles you are playing, other rules in the battles are as important as the rules you want to share your experience about. Hence, reverse Speed, and keep your distance are very important in this battle as an Equalizer.

    Click here to watch keep your distance, reverse speed and equalizer

    Keep Your Distance: Monsters with melee attack may not be used in battles.
    This is a battle a player won't see a monster like melee monsters to use. Most of the ‘Keep your distance’ battles do not have range monsters.

    Reverse Speed: Monsters with the lowest speed attack first and have the highest chance of evading attacks.
    Mosters with higher speed are not necessary in this kind of battle. I used Djinn Oshannus in this battle because of the phase and void ability. The abilities were very important because I knew that my opponent would use magic monsters.

    Equalizer: The initial health of all monsters is equal to that of the monster on either team with the highest base health.
    All monsters have the same number of health just the way you see it here.
    If you check my lineup in this battle, I used two non-attacking monsters, this was because I needed monsters that would delay opponent monsters from eliminating my first monster. That was the reason I used Merdaali Guardian.


    Ulundin Overseer
    Splinter: Neutral
    Level: 1⭐
    Speed: 1🚤
    Ability: Flank
    Health: 12❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    Armor: 6🪖🪖🪖🪖
    Attack: Non-attacking
    Mana: 12
    Ulundin Overseer's health captivated my heart. When I checked monsters that were available for me to choose, Ulundin Overseer was the only monster with the highest health. High number of health made me select the monster in this battle. Ulundin Overseer is a non-attacking monster, that is it could not attack. The best position for this monster was first position. That was the beat position for this monster; it would have been a waste to use it in any other position than first position.
    I knew that Ulundin Overseer’s health would be useful against range monsters. I understand that melee monsters cannot be used but my Intuition was telling me that my opponent might use ranged monsters.
    When I saw Crustacean King in my opponent's lineup, I knew that the armor would be helpful.

    Djinn Oshannus
    Splinter: Water 💦💦
    Level: 2⭐⭐
    Speed: 5🚤🚤🚤🚤🚤
    Ability: Void and Phase
    Health: 12❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    Attack: Magic
    Mana: 8
    I was sure that the highest attacking monsters that my opponent would use would be magic monsters because the rules of the battles supported magic monsters.
    A player won't like to use range monsters in first and second position. You know the moment when a range monster leads the lineup, such a monster will not be able to attack unless such a range monster has close range ability.
    This was the reason I used Djinn Oshannus so that the void ability could reduce the magic attack while the phase could make some magic monsters miss the attack.

    Nerissa Tridawn
    Splinter: Water 💦💦
    Level: 2⭐
    Speed: 2🚤🚤
    Ability: None
    Health: 12❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    Attack: Magic
    Mana: 9
    Despite having no ability, Nerissa Tridawn was very important to me. Four magic attacks was very important to me.
    The high magic 🪄 attack was the major reason I considered the monster. Being one of the monsters with lowest speed was helpful; it was the reason my Nerissa Tridawn attacked before my opponent.

    Captain Ghost
    Splinter: Water 💦💦
    Level: 3⭐⭐⭐
    Speed: 2🚤🚤
    Ability: Affliction
    Health: 12❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    Attack: Magic
    Mana: 7
    It was a beautiful thing to use Captain Ghost in this battle. I knew that the best way to stop monsters with tank heal is to use monsters with affliction.

    Doctor Blight
    Splinter: Neutral
    Level: 2 ⭐⭐
    Speed: 1🚤
    Ability: Affliction, Camouflage and Poison
    Health: 12❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    Attack: Magic
    Mana: 4
    Using two monsters with affliction ability is to ensure if one does not afflict it, the other affliction monster would afflict it. I was very conscious of my opponent having a tank heal monster because when I was selecting monsters, i saw tank heal monsters.
    I have played a battle in which my opponent used prismatic energy of higher level; it has void and reflection ability. My opponent used a heal tank to support it.
    As my monsters were attacking prismatic energy, the reflection ability was damaging the health of attackers. The reflection ability eliminated the majority of my monsters.
    I believe if I used Doctor Blight in that battle; there would be a possibility of poisoning and afflicting prismatic energy, which would have destroyed prismatic energy from the lineup.
    Since there was no monster that could stop ‘heal tank’ from healing prismatic energy, none of my opponent's monsters were destroyed in the battle.
    I knew how important Doctor Blight was in this battle, that was the reason I used it.

    Merdaali Guardian
    Splinter: Water 💦💦
    Level: 2⭐⭐
    Speed: 3🚤🚤🚤
    Ability: Tank Heal
    Health: 12❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    Attack: Magic
    Mana: 3
    The Merdaali Guardian was very important in this battle. Despite the massive attacks from the opponent's monsters, the monsters in the first position were able to last in this battle. This was because of the Merdaali Guardian presence in the lineup. Given additional health in each round waa helpful.

    🔥🔥Round One🔥🔥
    As we all know that monster with the lowest speed would attack first: it was Crustacean King that attacked first; followed by Doctor Blight, the moment Doctor Blight attacked Djinn Oshannus, Doctor Blight afflicted and poisoned Djinn Oshannus.
    That was exactly the reason I used Doctor Blight and Captain Ghost. Opponent's Crustacean King and Merdaali Guardian could not heal the health of Djinn Oshannus.
    By the time Chaos Dragon attacked, because of its scattershot, it attacked Captain Ghost; its blast ability affected Nerissa Tridawn and Doctor Blight.

    🔥🔥Round Two🔥🔥

    Opponent's Djinn Oshannus was eliminated in round two. Though it was resurrected back; it was eliminated again. I became scared when Chaos Dragon attacked Doctor Blight in the second round and damaged his health to 6.
    Ulundin Overseer's health was seriously damaged to 2 in the second round but was not eliminated.

    🔥🔥Third round🔥
    Crustacean King healed the health of Nerissa Tridawn, and attacked Ulundin Overseer. Doctor Blight attacked and afflicted Nerissa Tridawn; Ulundin Overseas was eliminated and Djinn Oshannus led the lineup.
    Chaos Dragon attacked Merdaali Guardian and reduced her health to 6, while the blast ability affected Doctor Blight and reduced his heart to 4.
    Opponent's Nerissa Tridawn was eliminated at the end of round 3 by Djinn Oshannus.

    🔥🔥Round Four🔥🔥
    Without wasting time, Doctor Blight afflicted Riverhellondale; it was a relief when Chaos Dragon attacked Djinn Oshannus, if the monster attacks Doctor Blight, it would have been the end of Doctor Blight.
    Riverhellondale was eliminated in the battle.
    By the end of round 4, I was left with 5 monsters while my opponent was left with three monsters.

    🔥🔥Round five🔥🔥
    It was Doctor Blight that started the attack at this time because the Crustacean King could not attack because of her position. A Range monster can not attack in the first position except it has close range ability.
    Doctor Blight attacked and afflicted Crustacean King; most of my monsters were seriously damaged by Chaos Dragon at this point.
    Crustacean King was eliminated in round 5.

    🔥🔥Round Six🔥🔥
    Chaos Dragon eliminated Captain Ghost; that was the second monster that was eliminated in my lineup. By the end of round 6, Merdaali Guardian was eliminated.

    🔥🔥Round Seven🔥🔥
    In my opponent's lineup, only Chaos Dragon was left. By the time Chaos Dragon attacked, the blast ability affected Nerissa Tridawn and eliminated it from the lineup.
    By round 8, only one life (one health) was left in Chaos Dragon. The first attack by Doctor Blight eliminated it.
    That was the end of the battle.

    If not because of the method I used; I wouldn't have won the battle. Chaos Dragon was terribly damaging all my monsters due to scattershot ability.

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    I stand up for success, and success is not achieved by merely making mouth, No room for laziness, no room for idleness. Success comes to the people who are desperately and consciously searching for it. When it seems unsuccessful or you smell failure around you, never discourage yourself from being successful.
    “Discouragement and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success.” - Dale

    The pictures in this post are taken from Splinterlands
    Thank you for reading my post.
    Watch out for the next battle challenge

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