Life Update on Thursday: “Face in the Clouds”

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Dear friends,
    It was a heated climate we had yesterday even until 5 in the afternoon. It was really boring to just stay at home the entire day while struggling the heated weather. We couldn’t enjoy watching movies because my baby was fussy. Her clothes are changed 3 times a day due to a wet back. Even if we move a little, our blouse becomes so wet, how much more of my baby who moves a lot? She keeps on pulling and pushing the chairs and climb on it. Anyway, we went outdoor again to atleast experience a cool temperature, but we noticed the clouds that seemed to call our attention. Is it God?
    There seem to have a face that appeared in the clouds. Is it God? Probably not. I know it’s an abstract. In reality, anyone who sees Him shall die. It’s only His Son who came to earth that sees His face. The viral pictures in social media that highlights His face in the clouds is wrong because it is written in the scriptures of Exodus 33:20
    “But," he said, "you cannot see my face, for man shall not see me and live.”

    Do you believe of the faces you see on Internet claiming it is Him? If you wanna experience His existence, just close your eyes and feel His voice within you. Ask His guidance to seek His realness and research evidences why He is universal. Beg some pardons from the heart without doubting. There will be results you cannot notice because you don’t like it, but it’s His way of redirecting you into a path that in the end, you’ll see the purpose. Yet, we cannot fool Him as not all of the desires are granted.
    Some people believe that He is black and long haired. Some people are also claiming that He is white, longhaired with beard. But His real image is still a mystery; this is the truth. In the clouds, there seem to be a nose, eyes, long hair and beard. If only this is His face, then it would be the end.
    I respect everyone who believes that a scripture is only written by a man. Because of this, the belief that He doesn’t exist is rampant. Some people also say that relying everything above is only for the weak. Of course, this statement is true. All of us human beings have weaknesses and that statement is from the mouth of those who trust more of themselves. But relying on ourselves can just lead to a wrong decision. Making wrong decisions could create a path of chaos and misery.

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