Playing "One For All" with SHACO vs THRESH - League of legends [ESP/ENG]

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    Bienvenidos Gamers de Hive gaming, ayer muy tarde por la madrugada antes de dormir me agarraron ganas de jugar a league of legends, y aproveche el modo "uno para todos" donde elegimos campeones y sale por porcentaje, y gano Shaco, ya conocen mi fanatismo y lo que me gusta jugarlo, pues bien, toco jugarlo contra Thresh, fue una partida divertida donde nos hicimos facilmente de la victoria
    Welcome Gamers from Hive gaming, yesterday very late in the morning before going to sleep I felt like playing League of Legends, and I took advantage of the "one for all" mode where we choose champions and it comes out by percentage, and Shaco wins, you already know my fanaticism and what I like to play, well, I got to play it against Thresh, it was a fun game where we easily won the victory

    Sali 6/3/14, un MMR muy positivo para mi cuenta, y cada objeto tiene su porque, a comparacion de mis aliados, fuimos 3 AP y 2 AD, ningun shaco se atrevio a ir tanque (creo que seria negativo)... aun asi dieron pelea al principio por el escalado AP que tiene thresh, pero el daño AP que tiene shaco + sus 5 clones (1 por shaco) se vuelve imposible el ganar, con 1 clon bastaba para gastarle mas del 50% de vida a cada rival
    It came out on 6/3/14, a very positive MMR for my account, and each object has its own reason, compared to my allies, we were 3 AP and 2 AD, no shaco dared to go tank (I think it would be negative).. Even so, they put up a fight at the beginning due to the AP scaling that Thresh has, but the AP damage that Shaco has + his 5 clones (1 per Shaco) makes it impossible to win, with 1 clone it was enough to spend more than 50% of his life. each rival

    Las runas adecuadas para ir Full AP en este modo son las que muestro en la imagen, ya que la tenacidad es importante, como el daño verdadero que podremos hacer con nuestros hechizos, aunque en otros modo de juego puede variar, este nos permite aguantar un poco mas en linea con respecto al poco mana que tenemos al comienzo, hasta que tenemos algunos items sufriremos un poco la falta de la misma, por eso estas runas creo que son las adecuadas.
    The appropriate runes to go Full AP in this mode are the ones that I show in the image, since tenacity is important, as is the true damage that we can do with our spells, although in other game modes it may vary, this allows us to endure a little more in line with the little mana we have at the beginning, until we have some items we will suffer a little from the lack of it, that is why I think these runes are appropriate.

    Skin Shaco =

    Estas skins, como los cromas son hermosos, pero aun me faltan algunas skins para completar mi colección con mi campeon favorito, espero algun dia lograr conseguir todas.
    These skins, like the chromas, are beautiful, but I still need some skins to complete my collection with my favorite champion, I hope one day I can get them all.

    Ya luego de esa partida y dormir, me levante con ganas de subir maestrias a otros campeones, y toco subir al 6 a Warwick, y termine mejor estadisticamente tercero de los 10 y un desempeño EXELENTE, lo que me pone contento, aunque haya sido en reclutamiento normal, de a poco se van mejorando esas maestrias de los demas campeones.
    After that game and sleeping, I woke up wanting to raise masteries to other champions, and I had to go up to 6 to Warwick, and I finished statistically best third of the 10 and an EXCELLENT performance, which makes me happy, even though it was in normal recruitment, little by little the masteries of the other champions are improved.

    Espero que les guste esta partida y este modo de juego, espero pronto llegar a maestro pero aun no me animo a volver a rankear, ya que el nivel es bastante y me siento con mucha presion con mi equipo, aun asi se intentara en algun momento, sin mas abrazo enorme Gamers, nos vemos en el proximo post
    I hope you like this game and this game mode, I hope to reach master soon but I still don't dare to rank again, since the level is quite high and I feel a lot of pressure with my team, even so I will try at some point Without further ado, huge hug Gamers, see you in the next post

    🔔More related videos coming soon🔔


    ydaiznfts#1000 El club de Los Pelones TwitterTwitch

    Thanks for reading, huge hug from ydaiz⭐

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