Dreemport+CreativeWorkHour || My Experience.

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Once again, we are here for the dreemport+creativeworkHour collaboration and this week, we are talking about our experience on CWH(me being a dreemer) and also giving feedback.

    My Experience Working With CWH

    As a dreemer, we are always used to collaborating with different projects and communities, so when we were told that we would be working with CWH for this month, I was very excited to join in and see how things go over there.

    During my first session at CWH, I was completely lost, I didn't know what was going on, and then I noticed at some point, that everywhere was silent and I was like "Is it my network because I don't understand what we are to do here?". I guessed that maybe the reason why I wasn't getting it was that I arrived late so I felt I would join in the session very early the next day which I did and after a while, I started getting the hang of it, and thanks to the founder @alessandrawhite for her patience and guidance.

    What I Have Learned On CWH

    The sessions on CWH are not all about writing. It also involves taking the time to train our mind and soul, letting go of whatever might have been weighing us down, and just "breathing in and out" till only positive thoughts set in.

    During one of our sessions this week, I remember we were about to join in our quiet time where we are to work on our portfolio, and as usual, @alessandrawhite told us to join in and play a tune on Spotify to help us keep us inspired.


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    I remember putting on my earphones and letting the tunes waft through my senses and before I knew it, I started typing and typing. It felt so good seeing as I got back from work about an hour before joining in and I wondered if I would have been able to write something the way I did if I hadn't joined in the session.

    At that moment, a thought came to me and I realized in one way or the other, that joining this session on CWH has been helping me in a way that in a day, I could write a paragraph or two. So I told myself, If I could do this every day, taking an hour out of my busy schedule to put down something, It could help me become a better writer in no time. Right there I knew, I wouldn't stop, even after the end of the report collaboration, I would continue attending the sessions and I believe it will help me a lot in the long run.

    A big thank you once again to the @dreemport crew for allowing me to come on board this collaboration. I look forward to more collaborations.

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