Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge | RULESET: Explosive Weaponry

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Hello, guys welcome back to my battle mage secret weekly challenge post and today's battle with explosive weakness. If you play smartly in this ruleset battle then you will definitely win. what is smartness I am going to tell you here and I am going to share the team that you should use in this type of rulesets these are powerful cards all you need to do is read this full post so that you will understand the exact strategy to win in explosive weaponry battle and it is very easy and this strategy is also useful for any blast ability monster. when an opponent takes Zaku summoner then you will face blast ability in that case you can also use the same team that I am going to share here so let's start a battle post.

    Battle Rules


    • Are you not entertained?: If you’re a gladiator card fan then this rule is very important for you because when this ruleset is there in the battle you can use one gladiator monster in battle so that you can take benefit of this ruleset

    • Explosive weaponry: Explosive weaponry is all about blast ability if there is explosive weaponry in the battle then all the monsters will get the blast ability so you can take precautions and set the strategy according to this ruleset so make sure you check ruleset before making a team.

    • Super sneak: This is a very famous ruleset and this ruleset is the favorite of many users who love melee attack monsters. Every melee attack monster will get the sneak ability and this is the speciality of this ruleset.

    My Battle Line Up


    • First position: Drybone raider Is here actually I have taken this monster at the first position by mistake because if you want to take full benefit of this monster in the super sneak ability battle then you have to put this monster in other positions rather than the first so that it can attack from both melee and ranged.

    • Second position: Venator Kinjo is here because it has a reflection shield ability which is a powerful ability against blast ability and you know opponents' cards always attack first so in this situation it is perfect to set this particular monster at the second position.

    • Third position: Bila the radiant monster has a divine shield and life leech ability. So in this monster, I’m going to get heavy attacks of magic, and also it has a life leech ability so the benefit is more health for the team so it is better to take this monster at third

    Fourth position: Djinn Renova is another magic attack monster that has a powerful magic attack also it has strengthen and triage abilities. Overall this monster plays a major role in both defending and attacking.

    Fifth position: Venari crystalsmith is a ranged attack monster. The most important thing is it has a tank heal ability and it is important to heal the first monster especially when there is a battle with explosive weaponry ruleset so that the first monster can survive longer.

    • Sixth position: Coranealus is a powerful ranged attack monster that has thorns and heal abilities and these abilities are perfect for tackling an opponent's monsters when there is a super sneak ruleset in the battle.

    The Battle

    let's start a battle

    Round 1 - No loss

    Round 2 - Opponent lost flesh golem by venari crystalsmith's attack.
    *I lost venary crystalsmith by unicorn mustang's attack.
    *Opponent lost venator kinjo by djinn renova's attack
    *opponent lost venari markskart by cornealus' attack
    *opponent lost fungus flinger by drybone raider's attack

    Round 3 - I lost drybone raider by quora towershead's attack
    *opponent lost unicorn mustang by cornealus
    *opponent lost quora towershead by bila the radiant's attack

    So guys if you are new on splinterlands then join it, referral link is below. Do not forget to share this post on social media using #pla2earn and #splinterlands tags. Have a good day.

    Thank you

    Lucky Ali

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    185300304_441507187470261_6630906744872723300_n-removebg-preview.pngHi I am lucky ali from gujarat, india. I am a crypto enthusiast, blogger, and SEO developer. I am always interested in learning new things and getting new experiences. You can find me on hive, twitter and discord (Lucky Ali#6343). Sharing is caring, Thank you hive family ♥


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