My Actifit Report Card: April 27 2024

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Today is day 70 of my #seven77 regimen. I cleaned the kitchen today, multiple times. No thanks to my kids... I also received some bad news from my wife. Her computer is on the fritz, again...and this time, it's getting to the point where I have to put her computer out to pasture. So she's getting my computer, and I need a new one. Oh no, whatever shall I do? I mean, I've been meaning to upgrade anyways. I can't stream Helldivers 2 on my old computer. So I took my son with me to micro center, we bought all the parts, and then went to Costco afterwards to pick up some groceries. My son was a great little helper along the way!

    I made dinner, cleaned up the kitchen (again), and then set about building my new computer. It took about 2 hours to build, and this new case has cable management out the wazoo. It's gorgeous!

    So I spent the last little bit of the night installing updates, updates, and more updates. And in between sitting there and watching the updates spin, I cleaned up all the garbage I made with the boxes and everything. It was a busy day, but a good one!
    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Daily Activity, House Chores, Play with kids/grand kids, Shopping
    6.4 ft
    Body Fat

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