in voilk •  2 months ago

    A Brief Overview of the game



    Rise of the Pixels is a game development simulator where you manage a gaming studio. Build your team and develop your studio into the leading gaming studio.

    To get started you will need to get at least a Game Dev Studio License from the shop. To get more team and accessories you can buy 8 bit packs.

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    Use your developer and designers to create games.

    You can make better games by investing in Research.

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    And you can even train your team to improve them.

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    Your team and accessories can be found under the "My Resources" tab. It is easy to see if your team member is working on a game or idle. and you can also see if your accessories are equipped and who they are equipped too.

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    Need something specific? Why not buy it off the market.

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    But don't underestimate the packs. You can get some great things from them.

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    Completed your game? Don't forget to sign in and release it!

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    Once your game is released you can sit back and await the money to roll in.

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    Don't forget to read your games reviews. These are AI produced and fun to read.

    Now that I have peaked your interest, why not sign up to play the game.

    Good Luck on your gaming journey.
    Have a great day!

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