Social media challenge: using Avina of the Wolf and two tank healers 

in voilk •  4 months ago

    The more I play Splinterlands Battle, the more I know so many things every week. This week is absolutely amazing. I shared one of my Splinterlands posts on Twitter concerning the battle I lost last week, and a friend like that even gave me a chance to join their guide.


    Since I'm a newbie, I don't have a guide yet, and all I'm playing is bronze. I hope one day I will move to another stage and become someone better in the realms of splinterlands. I must say, unlike other games, Splinterlands is one of the games I cherish the most.

    I mean, who sits his ass down and plays all 50 battles in a day? Well, this is not the first or second time I will exhaust all the energy in the battles. This is more like, I don't like people beating me in the game. And if you do, I will make sure it won't happen again.


    Another existing thing that happened this week was a friend of mine who challenged me to play 10 battles every day for the month of March. We are to select different strategies for the battles and also analyze our battles to see if there's a place we need to fix or not. If we fail to do this, we are to pay two hikes to each other. I humbly accept the challenge because I know it will be good for me.
    Here is one of the battles I played this week.

    The rules of the battle are holy protection, which means all monsters have the divine shield ability. I was given 46 mana caps for the battle. Here is how I line up my summoner and monsters.
    I chose Avina of the Wolf as my summoner.

    If you have been following my battles, you will know that I love using Avina in most battles, and of course, I love Kenya Frendul too. It will depend on my opponents sometimes, but I'm currently in love with Avina of the Wolf.

    My team


    My opponent team

    I chose Bera Dellin as my first card in the battle, and I gave it the ability to heal from Avina of the World. I did not choose its speed because I realized that most of my enemies cards don't have too much speed, so it's something I can still deal with.

    Moving on to the mad ogre anarchist, I always love to choose this card because of the opportunity ability, and of course it has more than that.

    I chose Venari Crystalsmith because of its healing ability. Since I don't know who I want to face, I must be fully prepared. In case of anything, this card is a range card, and it can also heal. So I'm two steps ahead.

    I moved to Meriput Magician; this is a magic card, and it can also heal. The healing makes me choose it. And it's got enough speed to attack.

    I also chose the Nimbledook ranger. It has snipe and double strike abilities; I used it purposely because of the double strike.
    Lastly, I chose Anachoron Boller. I know it will be able to attack from anywhere since it's a magic card.

    My opponent was actually a good player too; he brought a good card. I believe I just oversmarted him.

    I won the game because I was using three healers on my first card. And then most of my cards attack from anywhere. Meanwhile, before Bera Dellin died, the healers would have done their work. These are the reasons why I won the game. The game lasted for nine good rounds.
    Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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