in voilk •  5 months ago

    🎇 SUBJECT:



    In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side (Luke 16:23).

    🔑🔐 KEY VERSE:

    To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27).


    After the journey of this earth everyone will have a story to tell. What will be your story?


    The kind of story that brings joy and gladness is one that ends well.

    There is a sad story and there is one that might not have started well but had a good ending.

    In our text for today, we see two kinds of stories from two individuals.

    One was a rich man who lived in luxury and ended in torment; the other was a poor man who suffered while he was on earth but ended up being comforted in paradise.

    One important factor in a story is how it ends.

    In as much as no one wishes to have the experience of Lazarus while on earth, you must also decide not to have the experience of the rich man in hell.

    One day you'll have your own story to tell.

    ** What will it be like?**

    Will you share your story in the heat of hell 🔥 or will it be at the arms of the Master as you'll be comforted by Him in heaven?

    You have an opportunity to ✍️ write your story now you're still on earth, including what you wish the end to be-- whether a sad and regrettable one or one filled with tears of joy in the arms of our Lord Jesus Christ.



    "If you would like to give your life to Jesus, you can do so by saying this prayer:

    "Lord Jesus, I come to you a sinner. I ask that You forgive my sins. I accept you into my heart as my Lord and personal saviour. Thank You for saving me, in Jesus' name - Amen."


    Father, may new creation realities become manifest in my life, in Jesus' name - Amen.

    source: Bible Quotations

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