It happened in an instant.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Birds of prey have become scarce, as we are moving closer to winter.

    Most of the predators have moved higher to the warmer countries up north in the African continent.

    But we are lucky, as some of the birds like this Jackal Buzzard (Buteo rufofuscus) has remained, although I have not seen it for a long time. As I walked out of our house, my eyes were as usual on the sky, and there it was, I saw this guy coming over high up. Nature has this way of showing us something unexpected for a few minutes at a time, and I cannot tell you how many of these brief occasions I have missed, as by the time that I switch my camera on, it is gone, done, just like that. But fortunately, not this time, as my camera was on, and I got it spot on with the zoom.
    So, come and see.


    This was when I first saw it, and quick action was called for, as they can disappear in the blink of an eye.


    Thankfully he flew in a circle and I got some shots in.


    And then it was gone.

    But what is a Jackal Buzzard?

    The adult jackal buzzard is strikingly plumaged and arguably one of the most "handsome" buzzards. It is almost black above with a rufous tail. The primary flight feathers are blackish and the secondaries off-white, both barred with black. Below the chin and around the throat is mainly chestnut, and the rest of the underparts and the underwing coverts are rich rufous but for a contrasting black abdomen with faint white bars. The flight feathers from below present a large white panel, contrasting with black on the hand and black on the tips that form a dark trailing edge to the wing. Beyond its unmistakable colours, the jackal buzzard has a very short tail, broad wings, bulky body and large bill compared to most other buzzards but for the augur buzzard.

    You can read more Here

    So that's it from me and I wish everyone a great Friday and a happy weekend.

    Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

    Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

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