in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hello beautiful people. The next thing miss emotional intelligence will ask you is "What do you want her to do for you and which one do you want her to do first?" this crucial question leads us to:


    She wants you to focus on what really matters so that you will not waste your time chasing clouds. She uses the Eisenhower Matrix to help you with this.

    1. Urgent and Important tasks
    These are tasks that you must do and do immediately so you will not be overwhelmed later on. They usually require all your time, effort and focus and most of them don't require more than 1 hour of your time.

    Any task that has a deadline and consequences, especially emergencies are under this category.


    2. Important but not Urgent
    These are tasks that you must do sometimes, the earlier the better though because they have consequences but they don't have dangerously close deadlines. Things like going to school or learning a skill or getting married or getting pregnant, a miracle or attending a friend's wedding.

    3. Urgent but not immediately consequencial
    Anything you need to do quickly but doesn't have a long lasting effect, you just do it for the sake of something falls here. Things like calls and chats with friends, you can leave them until you are on a break, playing games, romance, most admin work falls here.

    4. Neither Urgent nor Important
    These are tasks you should try to stop yourself from doing, like scrolling through social media for hours instead of sleeping or reading or doing an urgent work. Gossiping falls here, as well as talking stage. Anything that will waste your time or cause a distraction should be eliminate or procrastinated as much as possible.

    The last question miss emotional intelligence is going to ask why are you doing that? Which leads us to:


    It is not everything you feel like doing you must do, you are suppose to cook, but you have been on your phone for hours and you don't feel like standing up because the second you drop the phone and enter the kitchen to slice plantain you will hear a notification sound, throw the knife away and rush back only to see that a friend poked you on Facebook.

    This little things can frustrate a large project and you keep wondering why it's taking so much time, it's because you can't stop yourself from doing everything your mind suggests, especially those that are not important and will not add anything useful to your life.

    You are writing a report and you are supposed to submit it in a few hours, you sit at the table brainstorming for one hour and jut when the ideas start coming you hear Globacom sim cards because MTN has been terrible and they advertise using music and a large group of dancers.

    The song 🎶 Whose your guy? Na only me walai 🎶 captivates you since you are single, you rush outside and dance, two hours later, you come back in to start from square one, all ideas have vanished from your head.

    The last part of emotional intelligence is EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION

    I will not be touching it, it's one of the powers I haven't used yet. This topic has been discussed many times, please go and familiarize yourself with effective communication. It helps you to master efficiency.

    Emotional intelligence helps you to recognize yourself, manage your self and use all your inherent abilities in a smarter way. You need it, or else, you are going nowhere.


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