Daily Freewrite Prompt Day 2365: Not so stable

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Sometimes life just keeps moving along at a comfortable pace with nothing unusual happening, and then one day it's suddenly not so stable after all. It doesn't take much to change things: a letter, a phone call, a text, an accident, bizarre weather events, or even a moment of forgetfulness can change the direction of one's life, or at least cause one to rethink one's priorities. Most of us have probably had one or more of these things happen during our lifetimes, especially if we are older.

    Recently I called an old friend to check up on her. I knew her cancer had come back, and she had chosen to treat it with measures other than chemo and radiation. I was surprised when an unfamiliar male voice answered her phone and identified himself as a home hospice nurse. Uh-oh. I don't like the sound of that. I know my friend is a Christian and is ready to go home to be with the Lord, but I will miss her wise words and her prayers for me and for my family.


    My friend likes to garden, so I chose this picture from Pixabay

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